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  1. Michigan Chickman

    Sick Hen!?

    I have an 18 month RIR hen who is not acting right. Last week I lost my first bird, one of my girls was dead in the cop when I went out in the morning to let them out and I never noticed anything odd. This morning, I have a hen that is walking slowly, her tail is down and she's not eating...
  2. Michigan Chickman

    How long should I use BLU-KOTE?

    I have 29 RIR hens and two roos. The hens are getting to be barebacks and I think it's as much from them picking as it is the roos. I started putting blu-kote on them a couple weeks ago and I can see feathers blooming on some of them. I put the treatment on them every couple days. Also, can the...
  3. Michigan Chickman

    Happy Birthday Girls!

    Well, they were actually hatched 1 year ago yesterday, but it's one year today that I've had them! I can't begin to tell you how much joy the chickens have brought me and my family over the last year. Thank you BYC Forum friends for all the help and advise.
  4. Michigan Chickman

    Oyster Shell Consumption...

    This may sound like an odd question, but is it normal for the consumption of oyster shell to increase in the winter? This is my first year with chickens and I started offering oyster shell when the started laying at about 18-20 weeks. At first I was filling the little trough once a month, now...
  5. Michigan Chickman

    Crusty Wattles?

    I have a very large RIR roo with really long wattles. I've noticed that his wattles drag in his food, the mud, the waterer and anything else he gets his head near. I'm concerned that the look and feel (at least to me) dry and crusty. Does anyone have any sugestions what I can use on them to...
  6. Michigan Chickman

    Smart Chickens Ruining My Fun!

    Several weeks ago I built my girls a new perch in their run. It's built out of 2x4s and has 3 steps up to about 5ft. A couple times a week I give the crew (31 RIRs) 6-8 slices of bread along with their greens. They love the bread and while they're running around chasing and stealing the bread...
  7. Michigan Chickman

    Chicken Lover Cartoon from Sunday!

    My DW came down this morning and said "You have to see this" Mutts is a great strip! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did
  8. Michigan Chickman

    29 from 29!

    Yesterday my girls went 29 for 29 for the first time For several weeks I've been getting about a couple dozen eggs a day, but yesterday the whole team showed up. Might be silly, but it sure made me happy
  9. Michigan Chickman


    I'm sorry, but I have to ask. I'm new to chickens this year and I keep seeing people refer to their chickens as "chooks". I assume this is just an affectionate term for chickens. Am I correct? Where did it come from? Does it have some historic connotation or did a newbie like me just make it up?
  10. Michigan Chickman

    How do you store root veggies?

    The good news is we have an abundance of beets and turnips. The bad news is I'm not sure how to best store them so they don't go to waste. I've read that you can store them in sawdust. I don't have sawdust, but I have a ton of pine shavings. Will they work? Does anyone have a storage secret...
  11. Michigan Chickman

    Please be careful!

    This afternoon I got an email that a friend of mine who I worked with for over 20 years had fallen at home Sunday morning and was in the hospital having surgery to remove damaged disks in his neck. Dave fell down the stairs from his pole barn Sunday morning at about 5:30a in the rain walking...
  12. Michigan Chickman

    Hey!, Come in out of the rain!

    I'm in SW Michigan. Since last night we've gotten (by my rain guage) 4+ inches of rain! I get home from work tonight and the run is a mud bog and all 34 of RIRs are running around outside in the pouring rain! They look like drowned rats, the coop is open and dry but Nooooo
  13. Michigan Chickman

    Bantam Silkies $5

    I found this on Craig's list this morning and thought someone might be interested....
  14. Michigan Chickman

    Ya' know, Chickens are a lot like Cats....

    I'm sorry about the long post but I thought my experience last night was hilarious and I wanted to share. We have seven cats and it just struck me how much alike my Chickens and Cats really are! Anyone who has a cat knows that the most interesting thing to a cat is a closed door (that's...
  15. Michigan Chickman

    Egg Shell Problem?

    I have 31 RIRs that were hatched 4/7/08. I've been getting eggs for several weeks and am now getting 8-12 a day, so a about a third of the girls are laying. Today we had 11 eggs. I've noticed that almost everyday at least one of the eggs will be broken. Usually just a small hole on the narrow...
  16. Michigan Chickman

    What a Whopper!

    I have 31 20 week old RIRs. For the past couple weeks or so I've been getting a little egg here and there and the last few day, 3-5 little eggs a day. Then today I come home and find this I think an Emu must have slipped into the coop while I was at work! Is this normal? I can't imagine the...
  17. Michigan Chickman

    What do you call treats?

    I need some guidance. I'm new to chickens this year. I have 34 RIRs (31 pullets/hens & 3 roos). I have a large run, 50x30, which is now turned into a lunar like barren surface. I'm concerned that I've giving them too many treats, but then I'm not sure what I'm classifying as a treat is really a...
  18. Michigan Chickman

    Clean Coop - Happy Chickens!

    I clean my coop every other week and it's like Christmas every time for my girls I swear, in chicken world there's nothing better than investigating, scratching in and utterly destoying a clean coop! Anyone have a similar experience?
  19. Michigan Chickman

    India Blue Peafowl Chicks For Sale - SW Michigan

    My Neighbor has a beautiful pair of Peacocks which have produced 5 chicks. She's heard me talk so much about how much I love BYC that she asked me to post her chicks for her. I will funnel any questions to her, because my knowledge is strictly chicken - 5 chicks - 4 & 5 weeks old - $15/each...
  20. Michigan Chickman

    Winter & Chickens...?

    Forgive me if this sounds silly or has been covered somewhere else. This is my first year with chickens and living in Michigan it's never to early to start thinking about winter (the best 6 months of the year ). What do I need to know about taking care of my girls when the snow flies? Do...
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