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  • Users: Fliese
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  1. Fliese

    Rales, no other symptoms

    I have a 1.5 year old easter egger who has raspy breathing (rales). She has no other symptoms. No discharge of any kind, egg production has been fine, activity level is normal, etc. Just the rales. I know many respiratory illnesses result in the surviving bird being a carrier for life. Is that...
  2. Fliese

    2 month old chickens dying

    In June, I let a broody hatch out some chicks. She turned out to be a terrible mother and the eggs were all filthy, some exploded, four hatched and she nearly crushed the chicks. She will not get to sit on eggs again. Of the four that hatched, one was deformed and had to be culled, one died when...
  3. Fliese

    Crop Problems?

    Hello. I have a flock of 15 mixed breed laying hens who are 5 mos old. Yesterday, I found two bloody poops and the intestinal lining of a bird. At first, I panicked and thought it was cocci, but later decided it wasn't (lack of additional bloody poop). The bird who pooped out her intestinal...
  4. Fliese

    Guineas losing toes??

    I have five guinea fowl who hatched in October (5mos old). I noticed one of them limping a few weeks ago. One of her toes looked swollen, so I figured that she hurt it jumping on the fence or something. I tried to catch her, but they really are afraid of people, even though I tried to handle...
  5. Fliese

    First hatch

    Hello! I am on day 21 of my first hatch. I had eggs shipped (Icelandic) and had 4 duds and 3 eary deaths, leaving me with 7 eggs. I candles them all before lockdown and they were looking good. Yesterday, there was some peeping from the eggs. At 3 this morning, tree weren't any pips and at 730...
  6. Fliese

    Sick Keets

    Last night, my husband noticed one f our eight week old keets dead in their hut in the garage (heated). I went out to investigate and found that of our 16, 9 were dead. I brought the remaining 7 into the broader in the house for the night, gave them sugar after soaked feed and some warm water...
  7. Fliese

    DIY Incubator Questions

    So, I made an incubator, using the ideas here. It's made from a styro cooler, has a fan, and a water heater thermostat. I've had it running this afternoon to tweak it and whatnot. There are issues and I'm not sure how to manage them. I have three thermometers in there. An Essick thermo/hygro...
  8. Fliese

    Using a Ceramic Carton

    Hi. I'm getting ready for my first hatch and I plan on incubating them in a carton. I was thinking of using one of my ceramic cartons since it can be sanitized and can act as a heat sink to help with keeping temps even. Will this work or will the eggs not get enough air? Should I switch to styro...
  9. Fliese

    When is it safe to let the new chicks sleep with the big girls?

    Hello. I have 4 hens that are about a year old (Barred Rock, Delaware, Red Star and Speckled Sussex). I also have 5 pullets who are 2 months (Easter Eggers) and 1.5 months (Buff Orp, Wyandotte, and Welsummer). The little ones spent a week in an adjoining run (shared wall) and have been in the...
  10. Fliese

    Babies pecking at eyes

    Hi. My new chicks arrived today (hatched Monday) and they are in a 2x4 brooder with a lamp. Everyone is healthy and generally happy except for one of them (they are 3 colors of Maran, 6 chicks total) keeps trying to peck out everyone else's eyes. She can only go for about 5 min before pecking at...
  11. Fliese

    Winter precautions and Frostbite help

    Hey. This is my first year keeping chickens and I am in ND, where winters get cold. This past week, we finally got snow that sticks and temps that are staying below freezing. This morning, I went out to the run and my Barred Rock's comb looked like it was dusted white. She is still laying and...
  12. Fliese

    Speckled Sussex Roo or Hen

    Yet another roo vs hen question. I have 11 week old chickens which were vent-sexed as day old chicks. They should all be hens, but all the error I hear about make me wonder. Anyways, I can tell by saddle feathers that the Deleware and Barred Rock are hens and the Star is a sex link. I was...
  13. Fliese

    Not quite pasting and water bottles

    I have 4 three-day-old chicks. My Deleware chick is not quite pasting up, but I'm wondering if I should be as concerned as I seem to be. When she poops, her poop almost always gets stuck in the fluff just below her vent. It's not blocking her vent yet, but I've been cleaning it off (warm, wet...
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