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  • Users: jessiduck
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  1. jessiduck

    Ammonia : will it KILL my flock :(?!

    Hey all, I am really quite frightened this evening after seeing two large raccoons trying to rip off my duck coop door. My dad ran out and scared the raccoons off. He then (with out my knowledge) sprinkled a lot of ammonia in and around the duck pen. I'm worried that the ammonia will kill my...
  2. jessiduck

    Duck wart?

    Hi all, I got up close to one of my lady ducks today and noticed she has a wart above her right nostril. The wart is not blocking her nostril/airway so I am not extremely concerned. Just wondering if anyone has experienced anything similar or if I should be concerned about the wart (e.g. is...
  3. jessiduck

    Sick duck?

    Hi all, I am writing to you with a bit of concern. I noticed that all three of my ducks have begun to molt, and for about a week, one of my girl ducks is acting strange. She is very sleepy/lethargic and keeps moving/twitching her bum up and down strangely. It almost looks like she's baring...
  4. jessiduck

    Dead chicken

    Hey all, It's been two weeks since I lost my redstart hen. I feel so sad over it still. Her symptoms were only noticeable the night before she died. I assume this is because chickens hide their illnesses when they feel unwell. Anyway, the night before she died she was sleeping out in the pen...
  5. jessiduck

    The shell-less egg!

    Hi all! I've noticed for, maybe over the past 2-3 weeks, one of my four redstar hens is laying without a shell! They get plenty of exercise by free ranging, they eat healthy organic grain, bugs, etc. Whoever is laying, lays with no yoke or casing on the egg! just the egg white, which they...
  6. jessiduck

    Birthday cake?

    Heyall! My ducks will be a year old next week and I was wondering if I could give them some store-bought pound cake ( with no frosting.) I plan to soak it in water so they can eat a slice. Will this be ok for them? They've only had peas and oatmeal as far as people food goes! Any feed back is...
  7. jessiduck

    Drake laying down?

    Heyall! We got a sprinkling of snow here and I noticed that for the previous snowfalls my ducks laid down in it. I figured this was normal, but now that the snow has melted, I still see my drake laying down. This isn't like Skippy and I'm wondering if anyone else has seen this type of behavior...
  8. jessiduck

    Oh my God, someone help me!!!!!!

    I just went out to do my regular coop cleaning and I saw a huge nest from one of my girl ducks. I stupidly raked out the nest and found 3 still very warm, duck eggs. She's been sitting on the nest for about 3 days now. I've been crying for the past hour because I'm worried now that she won't go...
  9. jessiduck

    Hawks, Chickens, & Ducks, Oh my!

    We had our first hawk scare yesterday. A huge hawk attacked one of my female ducks and was back for more this morning. Currently, I have blueberry netting over the chicken and duck pens. I am wondering what wiring/netting is the best kind to keep hawks out. Any and all advice is greatly...
  10. jessiduck


    Sorry for writing a book : The morning started off fine. I let my ducks and chickens out for some free-range time. My younger brother was home, so I felt safe to go quickly to the store with my mom to pick up a few things. We were only gone about an hour, when we pulled into the drive way and...
  11. jessiduck


    Heyall! After surviving -and still recovering- from the destruction caused by Hurricane Sandy, I have some questions about the snow caused by Winter Storm Athena! I'm sure a lot of the bloggers on this site are still recovering from these two storms, or are seeing the side affects and have...
  12. jessiduck

    My drake mated my duck!

    Okay, so a century has gone by since I last posted on this forum, but I got to watch something so cool this morning! My 15week old drake mated one of my 15week old ducks! His curly feather is fully in and now we're just waiting for her to lay the eggs. I'm assuming he has also mated my other...
  13. jessiduck

    We got another mallard visit!

    So our female mallard friend was back just a few minutes ago.... this time she brought 6 freshly hatched baby ducklings!!!!! They were the cutest things I've ever seen!!!!!!!!! Our ducks were a little reserved about this visit! As the mallard paced back and forth making sure she had each...
  14. jessiduck

    Is this safe?

    So, today our female mallard friend came back to take a deeper look into her investigation of our ducks. We first saw her when the ducks were swimming in their pool and she decided to take a look at them. However, today was different. Today she landed in their run! This FREAKED OUT Sonny and...
  15. jessiduck

    What to do when they're outside!

    I have four redstart chicks that will be 4 weeks old this thursday. Their coop should be arriving on Tuesday and assembled by Wednesday. Should I still put their light on in the coop? I have also read that they should be locked in the coop for a week so that they become acquainted with their new...
  16. jessiduck

    Our "duck pool"

    I was driving through the neighborhood yesterday with my sister and spotted what looked like an old kiddie pool at the edge of the curb! Stopped the car, got out, and shoved this into the trunk! It's actually an old sand table w/ a cover (AWESOME!) I can keep the water in there (if it's clean...
  17. jessiduck

    Something awesome just happened....

    So, I was outside with my ducks just a few minutes ago and I saw a very rare and awesome sight. The ducks were splashing around in their baby pool and I look over to see a female mallard by waddling up the hill. (She was waddling up from where their coop/run is, so I don't know if she landed in...
  18. jessiduck

    Some buff pics!

    I took these today while they were free-ranging! Ming-ming is a camera hog! She was really getting into it! She kept coming up to my laptop webcam and biting the edges! <----Sonny Love her!<3 Skippy being very protective of his girls! ^^^ Ming-ming loving her solo shot! ^^^ She is my love...
  19. jessiduck

    Treats for 3week old chicks!

    I don't have any grit on hand! Any ideas? I read that one person took just a clump of grass and let them peck at that as a source of grit. Good/bad idea? Give me some feedback! Thanks!
  20. jessiduck

    So, I don't have runners...

    I just found out that my beloved ducks are not runners... they're buff orpingtons! The white/brown patch type ones! I'll post pictures when I can get my good camera batteries.. which might be in a few days!
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