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  1. chickenteacher2

    Gender guesses

    My porcelain D'Uccle......6 weeks. BOY? That comb is awfully big and red for a little guy....this one is my teeniest. Wyandotte #2 - Iron Peep.....I'm guessing boy, since his comb area is redder than the other. He is fast, aggressive. He is smaller than the other one, though. Wyandotte...
  2. chickenteacher2


    I got the 2 black ones from the feed store. One is supposedly a Barred Rock and the other a Black Sexlink. The black one with the shorter tail - boy???? It's at the top of both pics. It's a bigger chick than the others, heavy. The other 2 seem to have bigger tails, the Buff Orp and the...
  3. chickenteacher2

    One egg left

    I have a broody mama...she hatched one egg, the one I was positive had a chick in there. That was Saturday. She has one more egg under her and keeps pushing it under her, so will it hatch? I bought a friend for the chick, just in case that other egg doesn't hatch, but when do I take the egg...
  4. chickenteacher2

    Your best hatching advice pleae!

    Hi, I hatch eggs for my students. I have a HOvabator, styrafoam, with air. I've hatched a total of 3 times in the last 2 years. I've had terrible hatch rates. The first time, I followed the directions the incubator gave. The 2nd and 3rd times I've tried the dry -er hatch method. I live in...
  5. chickenteacher2

    leg mites

    This is not a very good picture, but it's the best I can do right now....I might try with my camera today. This hen is new to my flock, but I noticed scales on her feet are lifted. Does that mean she has leg mites? Her legs look fine. I've been slathering her with vaseline for a week and...
  6. chickenteacher2

    Feathers growing out

    My EE was very popular with the roos and had missing feathers on her wingtops where they stood. I haven't had a roo for 2 months, but the feathers have not grown back. I feed them all a little more protein these days, with molting or soft-shelled eggs and such. What else can I do for her?
  7. chickenteacher2

    boy or girl? Ameraucana

    Very large breasted....the bigges of my 3, aggressive. Started seeing a comb today at 5 weeks, but all the feathers look roundish to me. "Ameraucana" from My Pet Chicken....white with a little gray here and there
  8. chickenteacher2

    My "Ameracauna" or is it EE?

    Here's my 3 week old chick. Plus, I will give you the 2 week old pic. I wondered if this was an EE, because of its yellow legs. Is it a roo? Can you tell at 3 weeks?
  9. chickenteacher2

    How long can eggs stay fertile?

    If my girls haven't been with a rooster for a month, will their eggs still be fertile?
  10. chickenteacher2

    chick on its back

    One of my chicks just hatched and is laying with its neck crooked, peeping , but can't get up off its back. Should I cull it?
  11. chickenteacher2

    Crusty, closed eyes, some missing neck feathers

    Help! Both my broodies I think have a respiratory infection, but it seems to only be near their eyes. They don't smell, no goo coming out of anywhere. Crusty eyes, sometimes closed crusted. Then, their chin/neck feathers on the silkie and the top/eye feathers on the mix hen are thinning out...
  12. chickenteacher2


    My rooster fought the other day, one is in isolation, recovering from his comb wounds. He was shivering in the rain. I saw he has mites or lice (not sure which...but they looked light brown and very tiny - have dusted with permethrin all and will clean bedding this weekend). Now, the...
  13. chickenteacher2

    Help....what to do?

    Ok, so I planned this hatch for my students this year. ordered ahead of time, a mix bag of 6 and bantams. Planned to get 2 wyandotte eggs locally. Last SAturday, got my Wyandotte eggs and was waiting for my shipment in the mail. Got nervous, put the wyandotte eggs under my broodies (glad I...
  14. chickenteacher2

    cornish x

    I came home yesterday with 2 cornish chicks. I've butchered once before, but have never raised meat chickens. The feed store lady told me to take their food away at night. Any other advice I need to know?
  15. chickenteacher2

    Advice, please.....incubator and broody hen info

    Ok, I bought my 2 SLW eggs to hatch with my other 18 coming in the mail, but I'm not sure when they are due to arrive this week. I don't want to wait too long on these eggs.... So, I have 2 broody hens, but they've been broody for about 4 weeks already. (silkie and silkie/cochin mix hens)...
  16. chickenteacher2

    Beginnger trying turkeys

    I've had my year of raising chickens and haven't had many problems. Even learned how to properly process a chicken. Now, I might start raising a turkey for Thanksgiving. However, I know nothing of turkeys. Advice? When to get one for the right timing? What kind to get. What to feed it...
  17. chickenteacher2

    How long after brooding does it take?

    My cochin girls are finally done brooding, but how long does it take for them to start laying again? Approximately?
  18. chickenteacher2


    Does mating mean the hens should be laying? A couple of my hens just today started letting the roos mate with them. But, I don't have a whole lot of eggs yet. (2 out of 10 girls laying).
  19. chickenteacher2

    Clipping wings didn't work

    So, trying to keep my girls in my yard. And out of my fenced in garden. There's nothing in the garden now, but come spring, I want to grow stuff without their interference. I caught the girls who could fly (well, all but one) and clipped their wings. Lot of good that did. One flies into my...
  20. chickenteacher2

    The new girls (?)

    Sorry, the pictures are not as clear as I'd like to give you. My two silkie girls (?)....hopefully, about 10 weeks old. The orangey one is Stevie Nicks, the Gray one is Mariah.
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