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  1. Chick-N-Antics

    Dog Attack! One hen with a pretty bad wound...

    Hello everyone, My flock has been reduced by a third. I didn't see the dog myself but my neighbor and landlord said he spotted a strange dog in the neighborhood. I was home when the attack happened although I didn't see it...just the damage afterwards. I found four dead hens, a wounded hen...
  2. Chick-N-Antics

    My hen is crowing! And it sounds terrible...

    So, I had roos for awhile but had to get rid of them because they were trying to kill each other. It's been a couple months and this morning I woke up to crowing coming from my coop. I have been sleeping with the air conditioner on that last several weekds and didn't last night because I was...
  3. Chick-N-Antics

    Dispatched momma coon and three kits, but feeling bad about it.

    I guess I am lucky compared to alot of folks on here. I have not lost a single hen in two years to any kind of predators but about a month ago I started noticing broken eggs and/or missing eggs in my coop. I was a little lax in getting the girls closed up when I should and when I went out to...
  4. Chick-N-Antics

    Sold a fertizlied egg...

    Hello, I've never had this happen to me. All the people I sell to understand that the eggs I sell are fresh and can be fertilzed...but to my horror (and the other person) he ended up with an egg that had started growing a chick. I collect eggs on a daily basis and I don't check them or I...
  5. Chick-N-Antics

    Protecting the combs on my roos and hens

    Hello, I have a couple of Lakenvelder roos that have some frostbite on their combs. Not a lot just on a tip of their comb. I have already read that there is not much that can be done for that and that the tips that have basically died will not come back or anything. I also read that puting the...
  6. Chick-N-Antics

    HELP! One of my meat birds butt is bloody and he's acting lethargic!

    We have a four week old cornish rock that was hidding in the corner of our pen, not moving. When my husband pulled him out his rear end was all bloody and impacted. It almost looked like some of ther other birds were pecking him. We washed up in warm water and mild soap but his not pooping...
  7. Chick-N-Antics

    radical drop in egg production?

    I have a question in the last few days our hens have seriously reduced the number of eggs being produced daily, from around 7 a day to just two or three a day is this a normal behavior? Here is all the information about them. We have 10 hens (3 buff o's, 2 barred rocks, 2 silver leghorns, 2...
  8. Chick-N-Antics

    An Egg...finally! What to expect next?

    We finally go our first egg! The only problem is that the hen that laid it did it under the next box instead of in it. We did the golf ball thing, kept the boxes clean and orderly but all my girls seem to want to do is sleep in them and use them as outhouses. Coming down from the new egg...
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