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  1. Rainbows Chicks

    Can I "bathe" my three week old chicks?

    I know that they "clean themselves", but my three week old chicks have laid down in their poop and their feathers are dirty now and look really unpleasant. Can I wipe them a bit with a warm wet cloth, spritz them with warm water in a spray bottle or just "dip" their lower parts into a dish of...
  2. Rainbows Chicks

    Is this normal? My chicks are almost 24 hours old, but don't seem to be eating or drinking much.

    I understand that hatching was a strenuous activity and expected that they would rest a lot, but I thought that I'd read about the peeps being very hungry etc. when first brought to the brooder box... Can anyone enlighten me? They aren't excessively lethargic or anything, either...they get up...
  3. Rainbows Chicks

    So now a new bunch of questions about the brooder box, etc....

    So I've got my two little chicks in the "brooder box" now, which is just a rubbermaid container with an old baby towel in the bottom, some wood shavings and, of course, their food, water and the heat lamp above. Does it matter, too much, about measuring the temperature under the heat lamp? I put...
  4. Rainbows Chicks

    Is it normal to see a LOT of rocking and moving around just prior to pipping?

    Well, I've finally been reassured that my 2 eggs (out of 8 to start) have made it to the final countdown; I have definitely seen both eggs rock back and forth - end to end - and wobble back and forth - side to side - a number of times now. Nothing else has happened, yet, though. So, now, my...
  5. Rainbows Chicks

    Questioning temp of 100.2 and humidity 76% for lock down days...?

    Is 100.2 degrees o.k. or should I try to decrease the temp a wee bit? I tried removing the vent plug, but the humidity only decreased from 76% to 74% and the temp remained steady at 100.2... Gee whiz, I don't think I worried nearly this much in the last weeks of my own two pregnancies!!! I...
  6. Rainbows Chicks

    Am I losing my mind? My eggs might be moving...?

    So I'm starting to question my vision and/or sanity, a little bit. I only have 2 eggs left, on day 19 of 21 (for chicken eggs), but, every once and a while, I look into the incubator and I could swear that I can see one of the eggs move a little bit...! Is this possible or am I actually just...
  7. Rainbows Chicks

    Can anyone help me determine what went wrong with these embryos that didn't make it? (Caution - "gra

    I don't know if anyone can help me, but I'm hoping to get some insight into why these embryos died during various stages of development. For the sake of my "education", I snapped a few photos of the non-viable eggs after I cracked them open - as someone else wrote in another thread - performed...
  8. Rainbows Chicks

    Anyone know where to get fertilized eggs in the Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada area?

    I'm just getting into hatching; I'm at day 16-17 of our first hatch and, unfortunately, only 3 of the initial 8 eggs are still questionably viable for lock down, tomorrow, and I'm still trying to sort out what went wrong. Once I can figure that out, though, I'd like to get some more eggs for a...
  9. Rainbows Chicks

    If I'm fairly certain that I have a few eggs that are not viable, I should definitely dispose of the

    I have eight eggs in an incubator that were set on the afternoon of April 19th. I candled them for the first time, the day before yesterday (so day 14), but I'm a bit uncertain about what I should be seeing. There are about five, however, that I'm fairly certain are definitely not
  10. Rainbows Chicks

    Hi from Riverview, New Brunswick

    Hi everyone, I've joined BYC because I've found myself spending more and more time here and finally decided that the thing to do would be JOIN! I've got a bunch of questions and have been becoming more and more interested in hatching and raising chickens. It all started as a pre-school...
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