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  1. mamagonemad

    Muscovy hatching help, please!

    My two young Muscovy girls have been sharing a nest, which was their very first attempt at brooding. They started with 25 eggs, and as of two days ago, were down to 14. Yesterday, was day 35, by my calculations. This morning, I took a peek when they were off the babies and no external...
  2. mamagonemad

    Want to hatch Muscovy eggs under mama...

    I recently acquired a trio of Muscovy ducks. The two females are being bred regularly by the drake, and one of the ladies has recently started laying eggs. I'd love to have her hatch some soon. How does this work? Do I just stop taking the eggs and wait for her to decide she has enough? Is it...
  3. mamagonemad

    I haven't any clue...

    I picked up these two rescued cuties today, but am completely unsure of what breed they might be. Any guesses? The little red one is about the tiniest bantam I've ever seen. The other one is about the size of a cochin. She also has a couple of feathers on each foot. I'd love to know what you...
  4. mamagonemad

    Limping chick

    One of my two week-old buff laced Polish has just started limping out of the blue. HIs right leg seems to be very slightly swollen, just below the feather line. Is there anything I can do to help the little fellow out? He seems otherwise healthy. Thanks!
  5. mamagonemad

    New broody?

    I'm pretty sure my Buff Orpington just went broody. This is a new thing for us. She seems to have collected all of the other hens eggs and is now sitting on them. We don't have a rooster. She's sitting on our breakfast. She got up to eat this morning. Another hen went and sat in her favorite...
  6. mamagonemad

    Fertile...infertile...I just can't tell!!!

    I've tried comparing this with every picture I could find, but I'm just not positive. My guess is infertile. Also, does anyone know for sure approximately how long a hen lays fertile eggs after she is separated from the rooster? Thanks!!!
  7. mamagonemad

    UPDATE - graphic photo - Day 18 - no more movement?

    This is my first hatch and frankly, I'm a wreck! On the evening of day 17 in our homemade incubator, we had 3 eggs (started with 6) with definite movement. I was so excited. Candled again on the evening of day 18...nothing. Not so much as a wiggle. I've now set them into the hatcher and am...
  8. mamagonemad

    Another new chicken "mama"

    Hi there! My name is Leila and my family and I recently took the plunge into the world of chicken keeping. We have two 5 week olds - a Buff Orpington and a Barred Rock, and today, I just brought home two 2 week olds - a RIR and a White Rock. I already adore my chickie girls and cannot wait...
  9. mamagonemad

    New chicks and older chicks?

    We have two 5 week old chicks that we've raised since day olds (we had 3, but one was looking a bit more like a roo than I wanted). I just purchased two more today that are 2 weeks old. I know that it can be difficult sometimes to introduce newer birds to older birds, but when is it appropriate...
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