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  1. sellersgang

    Brave hens survive some type of attack!

    Two nights ago hubby was in a hurry to get the girls all locked up for the nite and failed to look in the coop to see if they had returned. Just ASSUMED and we all know what that does . They have a coop and run and we only let them out for an hour or 2 in the afternoons. Next day at lunch he...
  2. sellersgang

    Best place to purchase egg cartons???

    Not sure if this is the right place to post this but i will try. I am looking for a good place to purchase egg cartons for all these wondeful eggs I am getting. Any suggestions?
  3. sellersgang

    24wk old EE's will not use the nest box

    We have 5 EE's that just turned 24 wks old and all but one have started laying. As soon as we found the first egg on the floor we put a nest box in the coop layered with straw. 2 hrs later all of the straw was out of the coop in the run. So I then put pine shavings in there with a golf ball...
  4. sellersgang

    Black Sex Link Question

    I have 2 Black Sex Links that are now 28 wks old. As far as I know, neither of them have started to lay yet. My question is this tho.. One of them has a small comb that is gray in color. It has been like this since we got her at 14 wks old. Is this normal? The other one has a pinkish color...
  5. sellersgang

    Have I confused my chicken forever???

    Since it is turning colder here in the Mississippi Delta, hubby and I thought we should do a little more insulating on the chicken coop. The opening to the coop has no door so we stapled some heavy plastic over it and cut slits in the plastic for the girls to walk thru. All this was done hoping...
  6. sellersgang

    Payback has begun!!! woooo hooooo

    Welp.. after 28 1/2 weeks, 3 possibly 4 of my 15 girls have started laying!!!! I got 3 new eggs on election day and today have another one which looks a bit different from the ones yesterday, so Im not sure if its one of the same girls that laid yesterday or not. I had threatened a hot grease...
  7. sellersgang

    Are Lucy and Ethel on strike???

    Lucy and Ethel are my 2 turkens and are about 1 yr old. They have been great layers up until the last 4 days. It rained a good bit here and then turned much cooler. The low the past 2 nights has been around 33. They have plenty of food (Layena pellets) and water, have no signs of disease...
  8. sellersgang

    Maybe a Dumb Question...

    Why do some posts have the cute lil yellow chick beside it and some dont??? I want one by my posts too... lololol
  9. sellersgang

    Hot Grease Bath Avoided!!!!

    FINALLY!!! We got an egg from one our our young ones. It had a very thin shell on it tho and the next day was the same way. I had a talk with the girls just last week about a hot grease bath so I guess one of them was listening. Still not sure which one tho. Doesnt matter i guess since...
  10. sellersgang

    Spraying Malathion.. is it safe?

    Flies and mosquitoes are driving me crazy around our coops and runs so I KNOW its driving our chickens crazy too. We spray malathion in our garage and around our doors to help keep down on mosquitoes and it seems to help. Would it be safe to spray around the coops and runs with it also?? If...
  11. sellersgang

    Another Fowl Pox Question

    Once this virus runs it course, are the chickens that had it over it once and for all or can they get it over and over??
  12. sellersgang

    Scared of a Fly??

    Yes... my 2 wk old chicks are scared to death of a tee tiny lil ole fly.. lol. When will they learn that it might be good to catch and eat??? One had gotten in to their brooder and you would have thought it was the end of the world. Poor babies.
  13. sellersgang

    Eeekkkk.. HELP... Injury or Disease.. Pics attached

    Just went to check on our chickens and found this on our bantam rooster. He is 6 months old. Is it an injury or a disease???
  14. sellersgang

    New Mother of 10 chicks!

    WOW.. thats about all I can say right now as I sit and watch 10 brand new Ameraucana chicks that arrived today from Ideal!!! This is our very first time to try to raise baby chicks and of course I think "my" babies are BEAUTIFUL!!! Its amazing to sit here and watch them (I have them at work...
  15. sellersgang

    What exactly is a Mahogany Red?

    Hubby bought 2 "mahogany red" chickens that he was told were rare ones that would lay a dark red egg. He paid a good bit for these 2 and I cant seem to find out exactly what there are.. any ideas?
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