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  1. ChickenLove6

    How old are these girls?

    Hi could anyone tell me how old these Belgian D'anvers are?
  2. ChickenLove6

    Can Belgian D'anvers live with other breeds?

    Hello, I have just bought a pair of Belgian D'anvers. Currently I already have silkie hens, a silkie cockerel, a legbar hen, a welsummer cross silkie hen and silkie cross light Sussex hens. Would they be able to live together with the Belgian D'anvers? Or as there is a size difference will the...
  3. ChickenLove6

    is it cruel to discard of eggs?

    I have a broody hen who is sitting on 4 fertile eggs they are between 3 to 7 days old. I don't want any chicks because I may get cockerels so i want to take them away from her but would it be cruel? To both the hen and chicks inside? Any advice? Thanks!
  4. ChickenLove6

    My first ever blog about chickens!!!

    Hey, I'd really appreciate it if you could read my first ever blog about why to get chickens and maybe share it or write some comments! I've never done something like this before so I'd like to hear your feedback here it is...
  5. ChickenLove6

    First time blogging about chickens!!!

    Hey, I'd really appreciate it if you could read my first ever blog about why to get chickens and maybe share it or write some comments! I've never done something like this before so I'd like to hear your feedback here it is...
  6. ChickenLove6

    Is a 5 week old chick allowed to eat bugs?

    I have a 5 week old light sussex cross silkie chick, she was following me around the garden so I decided to make her day a little more fun and I started to turn pots over and I let her scratch around eating loads of bugs like worms, slugs, earwigs and small insects. (she now loves me and expects...
  7. ChickenLove6


    a lady is coming tomorrow and she said she might take a few of my roosters ( I expect I have Atleast 3 maybe 4) so I need to know if this little chick is a rooster! Any help is welcome! Thanks in advance!
  8. ChickenLove6

    do I have a pullet and a roo?

    I have two light sussex bantams cross silkies what gender are they?
  9. ChickenLove6


    Hello I have a welsummer cross silkie chick, is it a boy or girl?? It is 6weeks old.
  10. ChickenLove6


    My hen has been ill for about 4 days. She can hardly walk, she has her tail down and she has greenish poo. She is eating and drinking but I'm really worried! What is wrong with her and what can I do to help?
  11. ChickenLove6

    Hen lethargic and limping help!

    My welsummer hen is quite lethargic and is limping, she uses her wings to help her balance by spreading them out. She's eating and drinking but I'm worried about her. Also her crop feels very hard. What should I do? Thanks in advance!
  12. ChickenLove6

    what gender do you think these two are??

    It's probably to early to tell but can anyone guess what gender my light sussex cross silkie chicks are?
  13. ChickenLove6

    when can chicks live outside?

    I know my chicks are only 5weeks old and won't be able to live outside yet, but when will they be old enough to venture out into my garden? Thanks in advance!
  14. ChickenLove6

    Chick breathing heavily???

    I have a 3 week old chick who is breathing very heavily compared to my other one. It is healthy and isn't showing any signs of being ill, but whenever it breaths it's whole body moves up and down and it's 'chin'/under the beak puffs in and out- a little like a toad. The only thing I notice that...
  15. ChickenLove6

    hen or rooster!?

    Hello here are my chicks, all of them are 1month and 1 week old. Do you think they are hens or roosters? This is peaches: This is buttons: Penelope:
  16. ChickenLove6

    what food can chicks eat?

    I usually feed chicks chick crumbs but I have ran out of it and can only get some more tomorrow evening. What can I feed them in the mean time? Some of the chicks are a month old and the other on is a week old. Thanks.
  17. ChickenLove6

    what day do you think these eggs are on??

    I went let my chickens out of their coop, I checked on my broody hen and when she got off the nest to go get food there were six eggs under her. I haven't noticed them before because I don't like disturbing broody hens and as all of my other hens had stopped laying as they are also broody I...
  18. ChickenLove6

    weird growth on hen what is it??

    I noticed this thing in my hens feathers. It kind of looks like where the feathers would grow but it is thick and slightly long. When I touched it a little big of watery liquid came out. What do you think it is? The pictures aren't very good as she kept moving sorry!
  19. ChickenLove6

    I just killed a chick :O

    I was candling my eggs and I accidently dropped my torch on one of the eggs, I heard a cracking, turned the light on and the egg was crushed :ep there was veins and a tiny embryo slightly moving inside :hit I think it was about 12 days old. I feel so upset and really angry with myself :barnie :hit
  20. ChickenLove6

    Will a broody hen accept more chicks??

    I have a hen who is broody and has already got 2 chicks who are 3weeks old. She is brilliant at being a surrogate mum but will she accept another chick that is 4days old? Thanks for any advice!
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