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  1. Ladyblackswan

    Could someone help me?

    We have been raising chickens for just a year and this is our second batch of chicks (we expanded our coop). We went straight run and these little chicks are now about six weeks old. We have one we know for certain is a rooster (he crows every morning) but these four are still undetermined. Any...
  2. Ladyblackswan

    Baby not thriving?

    I received a small batch of chicks from a reputable hatchery and all of them are doing beautifully except one little guy. They are about 72 hrs old and one of the chicks , while moving some, sleeps most of the time and even when it's moving around, keeps 1 or both eyes closed. Is there something...
  3. Ladyblackswan

    Thoughts on what I might need to do better?

    My husband's been working on an "upcycled" coop for our little backyard flock and it's our first attempt at a homemade coop. Its about 5x5 and nice and tall so they have a nice perch. We made one large nesting box on the outside. The door to the "chicken plank" is off in this photo, but it does...
  4. Ladyblackswan

    Clipping nails?

    I've been reading a bunch of directions on how to keep a healthy flock and was wondering if anyone can point me in the direction of a tutorial on how to clip nails and or beaks (I am still not sure under what circumstances one would clip a beak...) and when the correct time to do this is? Thank...
  5. Ladyblackswan

    Is this a rooster?

    I think it is, but it isn't crowing yet....
  6. Ladyblackswan

    Anyone know what this is?

    I thought at first it was a mottled cochin....but it doesn't look like any of the photos on the hatchery site. I think it's a hen, she's around 8 weeks old. Thanks for the help!
  7. Ladyblackswan

    Chickens that don't like the coop?

    Hi everyone. I'm Jen and I have just started raising a little backyard flock of chickens. I have 1 bantam rooster and a pair of easter egger hens currently outside. I also have a "delayed" mottled cochin bantam in the house along with a three week old barred rock pullet. My three that are...
  8. Ladyblackswan

    Seriously behind chicken?

    Hi! I'm Jen and I'm new to backyard chicken rearing. We have our first little flock started and one of our chicks is seriously behind the others in getting her feathers. The chicks arrived the week of May 14th, so she's between six and seven weeks old. All the other chickens are fully feathered...
  9. Ladyblackswan

    new to chickens :)

    Hi! I'm Jennifer and my family and I are new to chicken keeping. We live in rural Maine and have about two acres of land. This summer is our first time keeping chickens and it's been so much fun! Our family consists of myself, my husband Robin, our daughter Sara who's two and our three boys ages...
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