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  1. EmilyChickens

    What Breed Could This Be?

    Hi all, I stopped by my local tractor supply today and they had these chicks, I’ve never seen a chick with coloring like this and their labels aren’t always correct. They told me they were cuckoo marans but they had another bin with cuckoos and they look nothing alike. They’re also super small...
  2. EmilyChickens

    Mites??? Help!

    Hi all! I just noticed these on a few of my hens (including my one hen who’s been a permanent house resident for months :sick) and I have no idea where they came from, or what they are. They’re SUPER tiny and all over the feathers, unlike most mites which are usually close to the skin. What do...
  3. EmilyChickens

    Possible Seizures?

    Hi all, I have a hen who has recently started having some odd “episodes” and I can’t find anything online that gives me an explanation. On Wednesday she didn’t come out of the run with the rest of the chickens so I picked her up to look her over and she started what I thought was the process of...
  4. EmilyChickens

    Help Finding Out Mystery Breed?

    Hi all! I have a 10 week old chick that has me stumped on what breed she is. I got her from Tractor Supply and she was marked as an Easter Egger pullet but nothing about this bird screams Easter Egger to me, and I’m starting to question if she’s really a pullet. She’s got a few “fluffy”...
  5. EmilyChickens

    Tumors on 13 Week Old Pullet?

    Hi all, This is my 13 week old Maran pullet. She comes from a batch of 17 (now 12 because of deaths) that i’ve had nothing but problems with. At around 2 weeks old they all got a horrific upper respiratory infection and were on antibiotics and kept inside for weeks. I have no clue what is...
  6. EmilyChickens

    Help! Upper Resperatory Problems or Something Else???

    Hi all, I have two chicks showing signs of having upper respiratory issues. One started yesterday, the other this morning. They’re both sneezing and look like they’re gasping for air, the one who started last night is now shaking it’s head really hard when it sneezes and they’re not responding...
  7. EmilyChickens

    rooster with big crop and spitting up blood

    Hi all, Today I was checking my rooster because he wasn't acting himself. I noticed his crop was bigger than usual and very firm, at first I assumed it was sour crop so I lightly massaged his crop and blood came out of his mouth, so now I have no clue what's going on. He got some antibiotic...
  8. EmilyChickens

    Giant Rat Snake

    Hello all, I've been having one problem after another with my chickens recently and last night I was going out to check on my youngest chicks around midnight and there was this huge rat snake (had to be AT LEAST 6-7ft) in their pen (which is all wire, not even an inch between the bars and the...
  9. EmilyChickens

    month old chick won’t hold head up. help!

    I’ve got chicks that are about a month old and this morning i found one of them with her head all droopy and she can’t hold it up. she’s still walking, breathing, peeping and responsive. any clues on what i can do?
  10. EmilyChickens

    Splay Leg or B2 Deficient?

    Hello all, I just received an order of chicks yesterday and noticed one of the chicks wasn't walking right. She shuffles across the floor on her hocks and her legs were a little splayed, so my first thought was spraddle leg so I supported her legs so they couldn't go out to the sides and...
  11. EmilyChickens

    What killed my chicken?

    Yesterday afternoon i was headed out to do my chores and i saw one of my ladies, doing what i thought was dust bathing under a tree that's just a little ways from my house. I called her and she didn't get up so i walked over to go say hello (she was one of my friendliest hens and loved to get...
  12. EmilyChickens

    (Possibly?) Hawk Attack

    Hello BYCers. I had a problem today with a hawk. I've never had hawk problems with the three years I've had my chickens. Or so I believe it's a hawk. I was out all morning until around maybe 3PM or 4PM, but my parents and little brother were home. My father checked for eggs before coming to meet...
  13. EmilyChickens

    Rooster With Nerve Damage?

    Hello BYCers! My Rooster Roo has had foot problems for a couple of years now, but in this past month he's gotten worse. He's a Dark Brahma Rooster, if that helps any. I can't post my video, but if y'all could help me that'd be great. I have to constantly go out and help him get up and out of...
  14. EmilyChickens

    Snakes In My Hay!!! O.O

    Hello BYCers! Y'all are always so helpful with my questions, so I have a tougher one today. I have been selling my chicken eggs for a couple of years now.. so I have more customers, which is great.... but now I have less eggs, I know the cause of it, I just don't know how to get rid of "Him"...
  15. EmilyChickens

    New Babies Are Here!!!

    Hello BYCers!!! All of my little chicks arrived unharmed except for one which has a mental illness, my friend took it to put in her incubator to let it get it's bearings together if it can, but other from that everyone is fine!!! Here are some pics! Some may be discolored due to our red heat lamp
  16. EmilyChickens

    Wierd White Spots

    Hello "Peeps" (Pun Intended)! I was wondering if any of you knew anything about this. I have a Dark Brahma Hen that is 7 months old, and is laying eggs. But I noticed when I was saying good morning to her today she had white spots on her earlobe. It wasn't something on the earlobe it's her...
  17. EmilyChickens

    I Need Help!

    Hello BYCers!!! I need some help, hopefully rather quickly. I've been trying to get a hen broody for about a week now, and I have chicks coming in a week! I have a nest set up with fluffy hay and bedding with some eggs. Is there a way to entice a hen even more to sit on the eggs? I really...
  18. EmilyChickens

    Chicken Pics!!!

    Hi Everyone! I decided to start a thread on Chicken Photos! I always love seeing everyone's pictures of their Chickens and Chicks! Here are a couple of my Chicken Pictures! This This is our Buff Orpington hen Hennrietta, She has a sister named Esmralda. My Rooster Roo! :-) This was when...
  19. EmilyChickens

    Un-Known Chicken Gender

    Hello all of you BYC members! Could any of you guys help me determine the gender of one of my 8 week old chicks? We are all debating over the fact is it's male or female. The chick is a pure Dark Brahma chick. The chick looks like a female except smaller. But all of our other chicks that...
  20. EmilyChickens

    Hen Getting Picked On

    I have a buff orpington hen that is molting in the middle of winter. I also have 11 other hens and a rooster…my one dark Brahma is picking on the buff orpington. Can someone tell me what I can do for her??? THANKS! EmilyChickens
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