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  1. CountrySunshine

    Sickly Rooster - Help please!

    Pat, my rooster is around 5 years old. This past week, he started walking a bit bow-legged, and acting like he was constipated. Over the past few days, his feathers have become ruffled, his comb pale & fallen over, and he huddles against the fence. He is having trouble getting up to his perch...
  2. CountrySunshine

    Greetings from Texas!

    Hello! First time poster to BYC, but have been reading articles & posts for quite some time. I've had chickens for about 6 years, guineas for 5, and ducks for 4 or so. I love my babies! I have Americaunas, red productions, black giants, black australorps, white giants, buff orpingtons, and...
  3. CountrySunshine

    What's wrong with my chickens? Please help!

    Several of my hens, and one rooster, have passed away over the past month. They are all around 4 years old, and have never had problems before. They start with runny, bright yellow poop that sticks to their vents. From there, they begin walking slowly, and not eating or drinking much. A...
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