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  1. SnoozeRooster

    Eggs not gonna hatch? Last years chick went broody quick...

    I thought a pred. had got my little hen. Then she showed up one day looking all irritated and unsocial you know. I watched her and she was sitting on eggs directly on the deck boards under the grill cover. The deck is 5 feet off the ground and the eggs would've been rather ventilated from the...
  2. SnoozeRooster

    OCD {kinda} and researched full circle to confusion

    GOOD MORNING ALL, HAPPY VETERAN'S DAY! I am optimistically hoping that this thread can be (1.,sorry) helpful to me; 2. possibly a source for the best wrap up of meat chicken processing from kill to cook. I feel somewhat lazy doing this but I can't control my 'Gomer Pyle "but is it the BEST...
  3. SnoozeRooster

    Free all you can catch...

    So I told the lady I'd be there at 6 pm to catch the chickens, many chickens, many with chicks. We drove 2 hours and I entered the roost after dark after we were lost a couple hours. Turns out only 3 old hens and a young rooster actually use the roost. When I was a kid and it was 'time' to...
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