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  • Users: candychick
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  1. candychick

    Cracked Egg inside of Hen

    My easter egger has been laying eggs with weak shell recently. We started to give her oyster shells but today I found most of an egg that was cracked and she was in the nesting box with a chunk of egg shell hanging from her butt. We got what we could see out. I saw something about warm baths...
  2. candychick

    Chicken pulling out other chickens feathers

    I have three chickens, one was recently attacked by a hawk and was recovering in our house for a while. We started letting her out with the other chickens. (She was originally the alpha.) The chicken who was once at the bottom was attacking her for a little while and now is pulling out her...
  3. candychick


    I had two pet diamond doves and my last recently died....I was out walking the other week and took a double take when I saw a diamond dove in my yard. I just saw it again today and it keeps coming back into our yard...I have tried to slowly walk up to it and grab it which hasn't worked...i doubt...
  4. candychick

    Chicken attacked by hawk missing feathers

    one of our chickens was recently attacked by a hawk...she is ok but has missing feathers on her neck and upper back...When we put her back with the other chickens will they peck at her missing we need to cover it up or should we not worry about it. (She is the alpha chicken)
  5. candychick

    chicken keeps escaping

    My polish hen has been escaping. She has probably escaped 4 or 5 times, and we've had her for less than a year. Most of those times we ended up almost losing her. Today she got out when it was dark and rainy...all the doors were closed and we searched for her everywhere...but we found
  6. candychick

    Why did my chicken stop laying?

    i have four layilng hen almost every day all of them would lay an egg, so we had about four eggs a day...after a while one of my chickens stopped laying for about a week, then she laid agian. but only about once a week...and a couple weeks ago she stopped laying, its been weeks and we havent had...
  7. candychick

    Chicken sleeping on top of coop?

    Recently one of my chickens has decieded that at night instead of going in the coop with the rest of the chickens to sleep on top of it. She has always slept in the coop until about a week ago. Since then i have been picking her up and putting her back in the coop. How do i stop her from doing...
  8. candychick

    another broody?

    ok so recently one of my chickens went broody and we went and got it four chicks...well when we put them in it accepted three of them but not the fourth...i took the fourth one out and have been taking care of is almost but not quite two weeks old...just today another hen went broody do...
  9. candychick

    Is it ok to use a desk lamp instead of a heating lamp

    i got four chicks for a broody hen and long story short one was rejected and i don't have a heat lamp for it so im using a desk lamp...the chick has been in it all day and seems fine, its so hot i can barely touch you think its ok?
  10. candychick

    Why did the momma hen reject one of her chicks

    Since my broody hen wouldn't get off of her dead eggs after 30 days...we went to go get her chicks, we bought four and put them in her box and took out the eggs she seemed ok with the chicks and we left it at that...the next morning we looked in and one of the chicks wasnt in the box. i put it...
  11. candychick


    One of my chickens has been broody for the past 30 days. She had eggs under her for 29 days but none of them hatched. We took the eggs out and she is still broody and laying on nothing i thought she would stop when i took the eggs out but she didnt...i tried the ice cube trick and it didnt work...
  12. candychick

    Attacked by a chicken?

    Today i was feeding my chickens and one of them attacked me she wasnt broody or anything but i was just wondering why
  13. candychick

    How do you stop broody chicken from being broody

    one of my chickens has been broody for the past 21 days and should be done soon, but today another one of my chickens just became broody...we have no roosters so i really dont want them to be broody how do i stop it?
  14. candychick

    How exact is the hatching date

    Will the date chickens hatch be exact or can it be a couple days off?
  15. candychick

    Do baby chicks need special food

    I have a broody chicken that is due tom and i wanted to know if the chicks would need special food. We are letting her take care of the babies so i dont know if she can make the food smaller or something...sooo...should i feed them seperatly or is layer feed ok?
  16. candychick

    How do you candle an egg?

    How do you candle an egg? Can you use a regular flashlight? and does a patch of dark stuff mean that there is a chick inside? My broody hen is due tom and i wanted to know how i could candle the eggs to know for sure if there were going to be chicks
  17. candychick

    Do goats protect chickens?

    i always hear people talking about how their chickens keep getting killed by hawks and raccoons...ive had mine for almost 9 months and have had no problems...i have two goats that are pretty big so do they have anything to do with the well being of my chickens or is it just the location?
  18. candychick

    Two chickens in a nesting box?

    One day i found two of my chickens in the same nesting box...i wasnt sure why...can anyone explain?? heres the pic the white chicken didnt seem to want my polish in there with her she was pecking her but the polish didnt move
  19. candychick

    Will Chickens take turns laying on their eggs?

    One of my chickens is broody and she has been laying on four eggs. I noticed that after she got off and went to eat another chicken came in her nesting box and began laying on her i was wondering if chickens take turns laying on thier eggs...
  20. candychick

    Is it normal for a chicken to lay eggs on the ground?

    i have 4 chickens and they all are finally laying eggs...the last one to lay has been laying hers on the ground is this normal??? just wondering
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