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  1. DetroitReds

    I wish the floor of my brooder was _____

    Hello all, I've had 5-6 flocks at various houses and coops over the years, but am raising chicks for the first time. I'm 90% done with this brooder but haven't decided on the floor yet. Wondering if anyone has input on what they like (or don't like) about their brooder floors. I should receive 5...
  2. DetroitReds

    Coop+Rain Barrel?

    I'm sure a lot of y'all are doing this, but I'm looking for some specific advice. I'd like to capture the runoff from my present coop in the barrel to use for my flock's drinking water, but I'm not sure if that's healthy. The coop has asphalt shingles as the roofing materials. Does this sound...
  3. DetroitReds

    Crick in the neck?

    Hello, My barred rock has a strange, reoccurring, but rare condition that I don't understand. Every once in a while she starts moving her head like she has a crick in the neck. That's the best I can explain it- she'll stretch her neck and head, lifting up the neck feathers, and shuddering all...
  4. DetroitReds

    hatching wild pheasant eggs?

    I stumbled on a nest of ~20 wild pheasant eggs. We're doing a lot of work in the area and will have to force mama to abandon her clutch today. I'm wondering if it's possible to bring the eggs home and get one of my girls to hatch them. I have 1 orpington and I understand they go broody easily...
  5. DetroitReds

    Elementary school lessons?

    Hello, I'm trying to put together a few elementary school lessons (K-6) about chickens and eggs. I do not want to incubate, candle, or hatch eggs. I'm thinking more about basic chicken care, egg embryology, egg recipes, nutrition, and maybe something about factory farm egg production. Any...
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