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  1. SLilyBelle1

    Henry the Rooster is terrorizing my favorite hen, Fiona!

    I have 9 hens (6 Arucaunas, two who-knows-what, and one silkie) and two roosters - one smaller Rhode Island Red-looking boy & one very large Dominecker-looking boy. Yesterday, when the girls (and boys) were out foraging, I went out to count heads and noticed one missing. I looked, and...
  2. SLilyBelle1

    Rooster with Fowl Pox is finally eating!! YAY!!

    I have been so worried we'd never get out of this "funk." I isolated the young rooster several days ago when I found him sitting in the nesting box, eyes "sealed" shut, and with lots of awful scabs taking over his comb. I'd noticed the scabs several days, but thought the others might be...
  3. SLilyBelle1

    Rooster is still hanging in there - pretty sure it's fowl pox

    For the last several days, we've nursed a 5 month old rooster who is covered with awful scabs. His poor comb looks terrible. He's like one big ugly scab! :( There is a big scab over his right eye, which is swollen so much that he only opens it occasionally. His left eye isn't as swollen, but...
  4. SLilyBelle1

    New here - Hey from Georgia!

    Hey everyone! I grew up on a poultry farm, and while I only had a few "pet" chickens in my life, I loved the enjoyment farm animals can bring. I began thinking about getting some backyard chickens about a year ago, but didn't think it would ever really happen, since we live on 1 acre within...
  5. SLilyBelle1

    Chicken with eye issues

    Last Sunday (a week ago), I noticed one of my hens with a "foaming" eye. I immediately panicked, and when I looked it up online, all the information pointed toward a respiratory illness that would surely kill my entire little flock. I joined another group asking for help, and everyone...
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