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  1. Glockoma441FA

    citrus fruit help!!!

    I was out of town for a day working and my son fed the girls. when I got home I had found he had put some slices of an orange in the run and they ate it. Its been almost a week and they have not laid a single egg since. Will they start laying again, or am I out of luck?
  2. Glockoma441FA

    First egg and update.

    My Barred Rock ended up being a rooster. I never heaerd from anyone on if they wamted him or not, so I took him to a farm in lubbock where he is doing well. On a brighter note, I came home from work yesterday to find my first egg. Not sure which of my 2 RIR laid it but I was proud.
  3. Glockoma441FA

    Help!! Need a rooster?

    Well I think its going to turn out that my Barred Rock is a rooster instead of a hen. My chicks are 5 months old now and the last 2 mornings around 6 It has got very vocal trying to crow. This sucks to because I really like this chicken but living in the city, its going to end up being a...
  4. Glockoma441FA

    Had a visitor today

    I live in a good sized neighborhood and every since I started raising chickens I have always looked to see if anyone else in my neighbor hood does. I have never found anyone. Well today my neighbor comes over and tells me that one of my chickens are out. I go out and look and it is a RIR but not...
  5. Glockoma441FA

    First night outside!

    My girls will be 15 weeks old on Thursday and getting big. They have been living in a huge box in the garage for about 12 weeks now. They have been getting adventurist and exploring the garage more and more, so I decided it was time to get on the ball and get them an outdoor coop. I was going to...
  6. Glockoma441FA

    13 weeks old today

    Hey all, my chicks are 13 weeks old today 2 RIR's and a Barred Rock. How old should they be before I should start expecting them to lay?
  7. Glockoma441FA

    What to feed and when?

    Hey everyone, I have a question and I am sure the answer is on the forum somewhere. I was doing some mild browsing and got impatient lol. My chicks are 5 weeks old as of yesterday and tomorrow I need to go to the feed store to get some more feed. My question is, should I leave them on chick...
  8. Glockoma441FA

    Hi all

    Hello everyone, I am from Bedford Texas and just recently bought 3 chickens. They are our first and we have never owned chickens before. We bought 2 Rhode Island Reds and a Barred Rock/Plymouth Rock. They will be 3 weeks old tomorrow. So far everything is going good. They are growing fast and...
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