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  1. 2GigglyGirls

    Hen Appears To Have Dislocated Breast Bone? Not Walking or Eating

    I noticed that one of my hens stayed on her outdoor roost all day yesterday. When I went to put her inside, she made it clear she did not want to be moved - she is not walking at all. I put her inside the hen house and fed my girls and she made no move to eat. So I gave her food where I put her...
  2. 2GigglyGirls

    Rhode Island Red - Possible Kinky Back

    My Rhode Island Red is 3.5 years old and suddenly not walking. We have checked everything we can online and have come to think that it is kinky back. Is there anything we can do to help her? She struggles so much and I have to bathe her twice a day... I don't see her improving (just saw...
  3. 2GigglyGirls

    My dog got my Americana girl... is there anything more I can do to help her?

    Dog tore out a lot of feathers... two areas about golf ball size pretty raw and her breast area seems either raw muscle or just bare skin (one side looks torn, but the other looks clean). She is eating and drinking (been 24 hours). I kept her inside last night and gave her an hour outside this...
  4. 2GigglyGirls

    What Is This? 4wk Old Chicken & Bald Spot On Head...

    We didn't notice this when we left this morning... any clue what this is?
  5. 2GigglyGirls

    One Chick Is Being Aggressive Towards Other Chicks, Age 5-6 Weeks

    I am re-homing some baby chicks for a friend since I already had a few of our own. Mine are only 4 weeks and hers are 5-6 weeks. They have gotten alone perfectly for the past week but now one of the other chicks is being super aggressive. We split them up (ours and hers) but the one is still...
  6. 2GigglyGirls

    Saying Goodbye To Our Waffle Tomorrow...

    I found a vet that will put her down... she cannot support herself at all at this point. She seems irritated. She doesn't "purr" as easily. So, since my friends think I am crazy, I came here to post a last photo. She is a Black Silkie & Yellow / Black Tipped Japanese Bantam mix. She is our first...
  7. 2GigglyGirls

    Baby Chick Humor... Photos

    We have 3.5 week Silkie / Japanese bantam mix chicks. My friend gave up on the 5 week old Mexican bantams that she just got so I told her that I would take and re-home them for her. We let them all out in the kitchen today for some exercise (rabbit hutch is crowded now) and they were herding all...
  8. 2GigglyGirls

    Is There Anything We Can Do? 3 Week Chick With Spraddle Leg & Twisted Leg...

    I came to this board to see if I could help my special needs chick. I found out about spraddle leg and started treatment immediately, but she was already 6 days old. With the bandaid on, she was doing much better... quite the waddler. But she pulls it off now easily (even doubled). Now that she...
  9. 2GigglyGirls

    Is There Anything We Can Do? 3 Week Chick With Spraddle Leg & Twisted Leg...

    I came to this board to see if I could help my special needs chick. I found out about spraddle leg and started treatment immediately, but she was already 6 days old. With the bandaid on, she was doing much better... quite the waddler. But she pulls it off now easily (even doubled). Now that she...
  10. 2GigglyGirls

    Newbie From WA

    Just introducing myself! Our story is a bit funny... I am more of a rural / city girl and I married a man that grew up on a farm in MT. One day he decided that we needed chickens and rabbits for our girls to become better people.... I didn't like birds. Within a month, I was the one that was the...
  11. 2GigglyGirls

    Is This Spraddle Leg? Chick Is 6 Days Old, Too Late To Correct?

    We found a baby chick in our hen house: no zipping, just one leg hanging out. Baby finally got out, but the chick's whole body is just askew. She is 6 days old and smaller than the other two (one hatched the same day, the other two days later). She gets around on non-slick surfaces pretty good...
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