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  1. acountrychick

    Got our first egg today !

    My girls turned 19 weeks old yesterday. I have 2 each of Barred Rocks, Buff Orpingtons, Black Australorps and EE's. I went out this evening to give them some leftover from dinner for a treat. I was in there giving them the food and I saw an egg on the ground ! It was a little pale green...
  2. acountrychick

    My chicks arrived from Ideal today.

    I didn't think they would arrive today, but they did. From what I had read, I didn't expect them until Friday morning. The PO called a little after 8 am and let me know they were there. I was a little nervous because it was a small order, but all nine arrived alive. I got 3 barred rocks, 2...
  3. acountrychick

    I did it! I ordered my chicks today! Now I'm nervous.

    After waiting a whole year from when I decided last year I wanted chickens, I finally placed my order. I chose to order from Ideal. I was going to order from My Pet Chicken, but they haven't activated ordering. Last year I waited and waited and didn't end up being able to get the chicks I...
  4. acountrychick

    Hello from another newbie

    Hi, I started reading this forum this past spring when I had planned on getting some chickens. However, plans went awry and we didn't get them. So, I have been away from here for a while, but I plan to get chickens this coming spring for sure. It seemes like a good idea to use the remaining...
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