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  • Users: montyhp
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  1. montyhp

    Fluid in abdominal cavity and enlarged liver

    I slaughtered 14 roos today. One had an abdominal cavity full of yellowish fluid, looked like cooking oil. It also had a liver about twice normal size. Any idea what that might be? I didn't save any of his organs (liver, etc...) because I don't know what was wrong with him. Montyhp
  2. montyhp

    Which Rooster Should I Keep?

    This weekend is processing weekend for all the males from the batch of straight run heavies I got from Ideal on 7 December. I will process the old rooster and some of the old hens from our current flock that has slowed way down on laying. In the batch of heavies I got two ameraucana roos. I...
  3. montyhp

    Is this a male EE or Ameraucana?

    I got this one as part of an ideal variety pack. Can't tell if male or female. S/he is 14 weeks old. Montyhp SoTX
  4. montyhp

    guineas are not chickens!

    I have had chickens before but this is my first guinea experience. Just a few observations, YMMV. My guineas are 2 1/2 weeks old. They are really feathering out and they fly! They are in a brooder that is made from a water trough about 30 inches high and they can almost fly right out. They...
  5. montyhp

    Guinea Keets in hot weather

    Got 8 keets today at the feed store, they are about 5 days old. I just have them in a cage on the back porch. It was 90 degrees when we put them out there. It will top out at 100 or 102 today. They are under the shade and under a tarp (all but one side of the cage) so they don't freak out...
  6. montyhp


    We have our first ever flock, 10 br hens and 3 bo roosters, 12 weeks old. We let them free range around our 3 acres every day. They always stay near the coop and right around the house. The problem is, they love the porch and poop on it a lot. It is about 16' x 48' and concrete. Besides...
  7. montyhp

    First Sign of Aggresion?

    I have 10 pullets and 3 roos (warming chicks), just over 9 weeks old. The plan is to pick one roo to keep around. Today the flock was ranging and I walked over to see what they what they were up to. One of the roos came at me with his wing stretched out. he only took a few steps then he...
  8. montyhp

    Packing Peanuts Growing Up, Is one a pullet?

    After a close look, I may have answered my own question. These are 3 of the packing peanuts I got from Ideal on 4 December, makes them 7.5 weeks old. Buff Orpington roosters (I think). The first two pictures are undoubtedly males with the big combs, etc. The third has some gender confusion...
  9. montyhp

    What Y'all have to look forward to

    It's the chick's second night in the coop. I just had to get them out of the garage as they were stinking the place up too bad. They are 6 weeks old today! Happy birthday! These are some of the coldest nights of the year. The weatherman called it a "heavy freeze" (29 degrees). That is...
  10. montyhp

    Ideal Warming Chicks

    Please help ID my ideal warming chicks. Hatched 3 Dec 08 so they are 3 1/2 weeks old. I ordered 13 Barred Rocks and got 4 of these fellas. I am thinking Buff Orpington. Could be Buff Rocks, though. This guy liked to peck the camera lens. He is going to be fiesty. I was just going to put...
  11. montyhp

    Adding a Hen to a flock of chicks

    Maybe a little different twist on the adding a hen question I mentioned to a friend of mine that I have 11 - 2 week old chicks (barred rocks) and 4 roosters that came as warming chicks with the order. He said he would trade me a full grown hen for one of the roosters. He can have them all if...
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