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  • Users: Buffmama
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  1. Buffmama

    Eye injury

    Hi all, yesterday my daughter noticed a problem with one of her girls eyes. She said everything was fine the night before, but the next morning her one eye was not right. ^^^Injury ^^^^Normal eye In this pic she is not able to completely close her eye. DD just said it looks more like a...
  2. Buffmama

    Son found 11 chicken eggs under house

    Hi all, a few days ago my son found eggs hiding under a back porch. They were behind a piece of siding which we have to remove so we can get to them. Well, now there are 11 eggs and we don't know which crazy hen or hens has been laying them there. They are escape artists and leave the run...
  3. Buffmama

    A silly thing my chicken did today.

    Hi all, My DD went to collect the eggs today. She took an egg carton hoping for more than the 2 she found. The first egg was in the hay under the nesting boxes. She put down the carton with the first egg and one of the girls came along gave it a little peck and rolled it out of the carton...
  4. Buffmama

    3 Beautiful 1year old Buff Orpington Roos need new homes -- Medina, NY 14103

    Hi all, I have to find a new home for these guys. Our neighbors are complaining about the racket they are making in the wee hours of morning. I want a forever home for them. They are strong and well fed and for a while Free Range until they wandered into the neighbor's yard and their son...
  5. Buffmama

    Needed new home for 2 or 3 B.O. Roos. Medina, NY

    We have 4 roos at present and need to find suitable homes for 3 them. At the moment we have one adult BO hen and she is getting hurt when we can't keep them all separate. We have tried other places, but no one wants any roos. We are in Medina, NY so if you are in driving distance and want a...
  6. Buffmama

    hatching eggs

    My young 'uns want to hatch an egg from our 6 month old B.O., Flappsy. Is she old enough to produce a viable egg or is she too young yet? If it is possible, can we hatch just one? They are adamant about this and I need the voice of experience in this matter. Thank you for your help. Jodi
  7. Buffmama

    Roo in nesting box?

    My DD has observed one of our roos sleeping in a nesting box. The other roos (3 of them) and our only girl sleep on top of the 4 boxes we have, but all crowded together on the first 2 boxes in which sleeps this lone roo. Is this unusual? Jodi
  8. Buffmama

    Rooster with part purple comb

    Hello, Ok, so I search for answers and fall asleep while reading so I never find them. Here's our issue we have 4 roos. We have one who is especially mean who takes a nip at you any time he thinks he can get away with it. Usually gets a quick smack to the tail feathers for his efforts...
  9. Buffmama

    Feed for chicks

    Ok, DH went to the feed store and brought back a 50# bag of 16% layer feed and 10# bag of BOSS. Our B.O. chicks as big as they are are only 10 weeks old. Not sure when we could get back there since we don't have a vehicle and had to bum a ride to get there. Right now I have about half a 20#...
  10. Buffmama

    Looking for a couple Buff Orpingtons pullets WNY

    Hi all, We recently lost one of our girls to an accident and I am looking for a replacement for her and maybe a couple more. It would be nice to get them locally and about the same age as we already have, which are 4 to 6 weeks old. I live in Medina on Ridge Rd. I don't have a vehicle, but...
  11. Buffmama

    Mating behaviors

    Hi all, I have a "stupid" ?? We have our chicks out of the brooder today, but because it is raining they are in the living room with my DDs. We are observing behaviors and notice that Happy and Jacob were "courting". They were at opposite sides of the LR and then all of a sudden flew at...
  12. Buffmama

    A sad day at the Rowland Homestead

    Hello all, Well there was an accident today and one of our chicks died. Sarah was trying to get them into their pen and stepped out of the pen onto the one called Flower. We were all traumatized, poor Sarah was so upset. I'm sure it will take a few days to get over it. Keep the girls in...
  13. Buffmama

    My B.O., Happy, is not like the others.

    Here she is with feathers all askew, her brooder mates are in the basket. Here she is during a poop check. Just learning about the different poos so as not to worry about coccidoisis. Some in the brooder was having loose poos so I was intent to find out who. I did find out and after...
  14. Buffmama

    Hello from WNY

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Yes, but wanted them for a couple years. We just got some this Fri. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 6 sex unknown. (3) What breeds do you have? We are starting out with Buff Orpingtons. (4) How did you find...
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