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  1. C

    Returning chicken owner

    I took a 3 year break from my favorite little chickie loves due to coyotes and fox issues. Where they killed my last flock and left my family heart broken. So now that we have eliminated the coyotes and fox situation, refortified my coop and added some new features. We have started our flock...
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    Chickens and snakes

    So while my girls were free ranging tonight one found a baby snake. I was freaking out hubby and I chasing the hen to get the snake from her. She is running full speed to try to keep her prize. Total chaos. We got snake from her. Thank god it was a king snake it was released very minor injury...
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    Thinking of giving up

    This morning has been devastating I went to check on my babies and it looks like a crime scene. Bodies every where blood feathers 20+ chickens and 3 rabbits gone I have 4 chickens left. This is my 4th flock as it is. This was done in my new coop chain length fence up sides 10 tall top has a Tin...
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    need advice to keep predators out of new coop

    For 4 years my red neck coop worked great had no losses. Well unusual amount of rain caused flooding and a fox got 18 of my birds so we are constructing a new coop on high ground. Please give me any advice for making my birds safe. This is in the house part. With pipe feeder nest box and...
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    please give me ideas to improve my coop

    For 4 years my red neck coop worked great had no losses. Well unusual amount of rain caused flooding and a fox got 18 of my birds so we are constructing a new coop on high ground. Please give me any advice for making my birds safe. This is in the house part. With pipe feeder nest box and...
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    being a chicks mommy

    So I had 1 chick hatch out of 12 eggs. Was a surprise as I mostly forgot about them. I had 2 broody hen tried to slip it under one to horrible results. I put it under at night. Hen settles down all is great so I think. Next morning chick had a bloody face cold and alone in coop. Bring it in...
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    an unexpected suprise.

    As I was putting eggs away today I hear this chirping from my incubator. What in the world mind you yes I had 5 chicken eggs 2 goose eggs. I have never had any luck hatching in the incubator. Just put them in randomly. I honestly forgot about them. Forgot to add water forgot to turn them other...
  8. C

    never ending broody hens.

    I am about to pull my hair out. It never seems to fail I get one hen to hatch eggs raise chicks another hen goes broody. I have buff orpington barred rocks and easter eggers. Plus a game bird mix. I love the babies and knowing my flock is strong and healthy and growing is a great sign but feed...
  9. C

    i need more.

    Ok I have 2 brown Chinese pair and they are my loves. The gander is attached to my dad. They are buddies but my delima is that I want more geese. I am addicted. Here is my set up. have a 1 acre pond that they love. Lucy has a nest but she is just a year old and has not tried to brood...
  10. C

    2 broodies 18 eggs and ants

    So I go out to check on my girls sitting take them some goodies and I discovered they and their eggs are covered in ants. I candeled at day 10 and all doing great today we are on day 15. I sniffed each egg (yes I know that sounds horrible) none smelled bad . I don't know what to do.
  11. C

    broody again!!!!!

    Ok my favorite girl eggyokieoo hatch a batch valentines day she was the best mommy ever even had to bring her in the house due to an ice storm and I loved watching her with her babies. I went to lock up last night and do health check to find her sitting on a new nest of 8 eggs I left her there...
  12. C

    what to do with her

    I got a batch of ee pullets last august. Vaccinated all seem healthy but one Valerie is smaller by far. Appears to be blind in one eye. Wobbly on her feet bottom of pecking order and a true sweetheart. However never laid an egg. Infact her pelvic bone hasn't speard at all any ideas. No signs of...
  13. C

    why finding a hidden really is not a good this.

    So half my girls haven't been laying so I thought found their hidden nest under my house while fixing a down air duct. Wow nest of 40 eggs explains a lot. I gathered then in my bag to carry out. No big deal right? Yeah not at all. Lol. One had a weak shell. Exploded in bag. Omg the stench. It...
  14. C

    So I made my geese a pond

    I got tired of the little pools that always break. I had gotten dirt delivered long time ago never used it. In fact kids had dug up a crater in it my brain started working. Lawn trash bags as a liner held down with dirt ( next time I will duct tape them together ) add water and get very happy geese.
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    So after some reading I decided to get a bale of hay to see if my chickens would like it. It was a hit they are all over it. Now I am thinking I should have gotten 2.
  16. C

    boy or girl

    I have some ee that are almost 3 months old they were sexed chickens but I am wondering about 1 This is Valerie (or victor) And some of the others same age. Please give your input
  17. C

    more then one rooster in a flock of 31

    so i have recently acquired a new rooster to add to my existing flock, done the quarantine process and went to introduce him to the flock tried to add him at night next morning it was complete and utter chaos. my bcm rooster went balistic. yes i kinda expected this but i guess what i am...
  18. C

    help with deworming.

    ok my tsc finally restocked all their inventory and i have lost my thread for deworming information. they have safeguard for goats if i get the paste how much do i give my birds they are full size hens bo, black astro, dark brahma, rir, and bcm rooster. also for my babies i have 8 ee that are 2...
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    my gander has it all wrong

    so i noticed yesterday morning that when my geese were in their pool they were pecking each others backs then the gander climbed on the goose and did the deed only thing was he did the deed on her HEAD!!!!!!!! please tell me he will figure it out for himself and that this is normal. i refuse to...
  20. C

    another sick hen

    Recently like within a month one hen got ill not eating runny poop lethargic so treated the entire flock for coccidosis. Complete 5 day round of treatment. Then last week one hen dumped a large ball of worms in her poop. So dewormer the flock a week ago. Now I have an unknown age black astro who...
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