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  1. substandardtim

    treatment of cocci, how much corid do I use?

    one chicken died in less then 2 days, the others all apear healthy. I have picked up 16oz of 9.6% corid. how much should I use in the water to treat the other chickens. I have 6 4 month old hens, the chicken that didnt make it was number 7 in the group. I also have 3 4 week old chicks still...
  2. substandardtim

    Lethargic, Diarrhea

    I originally posted this in the chicken behaviors forum but it seems to have turned into an emergency. Please help if you can. The original topic is at the link below: What's she doing? Topic.
  3. substandardtim

    What's she doing?

    One of my 15 week old BO hens is just standing in a corner of the chicken run against a wall and not interacting with any of the other chickens. She's been like that for a little while now this evening. I did go and pick her up and she made some chickeny noises at me and when I set her back...
  4. substandardtim

    Blue and lavender chickens

    Am I the only one that thinks "blue" is just an example of someone not wanting to call a breed "gray"? It's the same thing with lavender. I've got buff orpingtons and I've seen plenty of pictures of blue or lavender orpingtons, and they all just look gray to me. But not just with them, the...
  5. substandardtim

    what breeds and sex are these guys

    I know I posted before when these guys were tiny and got the responses of barred rock and americanumn/ee. but they have grown up a bit and look really different. also the smallest I am fairly sure is a hen, and all three were sexed as hens when we got them, but I dont think that's correct. all...
  6. substandardtim

    Do hens ever adopt chicks they did not hatch themselves?

    we have three peeps in a wire cage out in the coop, the peeps are only 3 or 4 weeks old. we have 7 BO girls that I think are around 17-18 weeks cant rememebr the exact age right now. theyre big girls by now but are not laying yet. anyways of the the girls is constantly staying in the coop...
  7. substandardtim

    Candling EEs

    I posted this question attached to another topic but it seems to be going unnoticed, so I'll make it's own topic. It seems that I can candle everything except a light green EE that I have. Are these typically hard to candle or do I just need a brighter light source? Even did a brown one just...
  8. substandardtim

    Help Identify These Chicks

    I could use some help identifying these chicks. We were at the county fair and they had one of those big incubator things and the people running it were nice enough to give us three chicks, though we don't know what breed they are. Can anyone help identify them? Thanks.
  9. substandardtim

    what are the chances of fertility?

    We recently picked up some eggs from some chickens at a county fair and set up a make shift incubator for them. What do you guys think the chances are of any of them being fertile? We thought it would be a cool way of adding variety to our flock without spending money.
  10. substandardtim

    Taming the Untamable

    Perhaps there are better methods but I thought this might be useful to some folks that have untame chickens. I have a couple of young chickens (who are looking more and more like roosters...grrr) that through various circumstances didnt get nearly as much hands on attention from a young age as...
  11. substandardtim

    My New Coop

    I don't know if external links are frowned upon, but here is a link to my website showing all the details of my coop construction: The Chicken Coop The little buggers are finally out of my house.
  12. substandardtim

    Unidentified Breed and Sexing

    So we got six extra chicks dumped on us and we don't know what breed they are and I'd like some firm information on how to sex them. From what I've been told you can tell by how many layers of feathers on the wings but I don't know for sure. These new ones are supposed to be two weeks old...
  13. substandardtim

    number, size and spaceing of nestbox's?

    we have 7 buff orpingtons, how many nest boxs do we need, how big should they be and can they be stacked and if so how high?
  14. substandardtim

    How much handling?

    How much should I be handling the chicks in the first week? I don't want to over stress them but I also want to make sure they get very tame. They all appear to be healthy as far as I can tell. I've got 8 Buff Orpingtons. All supposed to be pullets, hopefully that's the case.
  15. substandardtim

    The first 60 Days

    The Raising Chickens 101 section of the site says to keep them inside during the first sixty days. In two months I imagine the little peeps I'm getting in a few days will be pretty massive and I can't imagine having 8 chickens in my house. I live in PA which can get chilly at night this time...
  16. substandardtim

    is it safe for chickens to eat english ivy?

    Where I want to put my coop and run theres a large ammount of english ivy growing, I will be ripping most of it down, however as you know it has a tendency to grow back. will it be safe for the chicken to eat if it grows back? I dont want them eating something that could make them ill or make...
  17. substandardtim

    english ivy?

    Where I want to put my coop and run theres a large ammount of english ivy growing, I will be ripping most of it down, however as you know it has a tendency to grow back. will it be safe for the chicken to eat if it grows back? I dont want them eating something that could make them ill or make...
  18. substandardtim

    Choosing a site

    First I'm facing an issue of choosing between taking up some space in our yard with the chickens or claiming some space in a "neutral zone" away from the farmer who rents the farm land...but that's not really my question. I live in central PA, and I'm not sure if I should position the coop to...
  19. substandardtim


    I couldn't figure out a specific forum to put this in so this is as close I can get. I've seen pine shavings recommended on this site. Would other kinds of shavings really be a problem? We already buy shavings for our horses and I'd really rather not have to buy a separate kind of shavings...
  20. substandardtim


    I read in the FAQ section of this website that crushed oyster shells can be good for supplementing a bird's calcium in cases of softshelled eggs. Wouldn't it just be easier to give them some milk?
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