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  1. Glimmer Otnes


  2. Glimmer Otnes


    Our year old Silver Laced Wayandotte is almost dead, She's closing her eyes and won't open them unless forced. She has an extremly poopy butt so we think she might have worms. She hasn't really been so listless until a little while ago. My father and I were moving a new coop in polace of their...
  3. Glimmer Otnes

    Crossed Beak Buff Orphington

    Cammie our Buff Orphington has a bad case of crossed beak. It's been hard for her to eat certain things like grass. Does anybody have any suggestions to help her with her condition? Thanks. Here is a picture:
  4. Glimmer Otnes

    Chilly chicken treat! Great for hot weather.

    Simple yet fun. I think this treat is especially helpful during the very hot days of the summer, I know my chickens sure do appreciate it! I hope you enjoy and comment. You will need: A Bowl that you are willing to get dirty. Water ~Optional~ Soft Fruits STEP 1: Fill your bowl with...
  5. Glimmer Otnes

    Molting or sick?

    Our Ameracauna hen has shed all of her beard but nothing else. That's sort of unusual. She's always been very hot and has liquidy poop. I'm worried because our other Ameracauna shed her beard also but died recently. I didn't know why she died. Maybe the beard/muff-shedding part was a symptom...
  6. Glimmer Otnes

    Mystery chicken!!!!

    This is ninja our mystery chicken. She has feathered feet. We think she might be a cochin of some sort but we can't be too sure. She's about 5 weeks old in this picture.
  7. Glimmer Otnes

    Chicken eyes! What unusual colored eyes do your chickens have?

    I have one petite cubalaya hen with light green eyes. They're gorgeous and totally unlike all my other chickens. I also once had a rooster with dark orange and red eyes. I think it's really fascinating and I wondered if anybody else has some beautiful or interesting chicken eyes to share! Can't...
  8. Glimmer Otnes


    Glimmer our beloved pet chicken died in her chicken run today and was found at 10:00 P.M.. She was stretched out with her mouth and eyes closed. There was so sign of a struggle. She was always a mystery breed, we at first thought she was an Ameracauna because of her beard, and we were getting...
  9. Glimmer Otnes


    Glimmer our beloved pet chicken died in her chicken run today at 10:00 P.M.. She was stretched out with her mouth and eyes closed. There was so sign of a struggle. She was always a mystery breed, we at first thought she was an Ameracauna because of her beard, and we were getting two green eggs a...
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