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  1. reneegrenville

    Membrane dried and tan at pip HELP!

    Please help... My chick has been stuck in the same position with no progress for about 6 to 7 hours. The membrane has now dried up and gone a funny dark tan colour. I think my little baby is stuck! What do I do?? Here's a picture of what it looks like.
  2. reneegrenville

    How long between internal and external pip?

    I have a little silkie x bantam egg in my brinsea mini eco incubator. Yesterday (day 21) I heard chirping from the egg from 5pm to about 10pm. Then the chirping stopped. I am feeling really worried because it is now 11.30am on day 22 and still no noise from the egg. How long does it take between...
  3. reneegrenville

    No Movement Day 20 Incubation. Help??!

    I have a silkie x bantam egg in my Brinsea mini Eco incubator and today is day 20. The egg has been incubating at a consistent temperature of 37 degrees celcius. Shouldn't the egg be pipping or atleast wobbling by now? This is my first hatch with an incubator.
  4. reneegrenville

    Hello from New Zealand!

    My name is Renee and I love bantams! I bought my first two pekin bantam hens in February 2012 when they were 6 weeks old. I named them Mrs Speckles and Henrietta. In February 2013 I then bought 6 fertile silkie eggs to put under my broody bantams. 3 out of 6 eggs hatched and all turned out to be...
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