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  1. team guava pastry

    High temps and high humidity

    Our beloved last chochin Pat has been walking around cackling a lot lately. With the temps and humidity being what they are should I be worried about her. She walking around, dust bathing, eating and drinking other than the heavy cackling she acting normal. Any suggestions,
  2. team guava pastry


    Went out tonight to check up on the girls, and it's hot here in Miami 90's with high humidity. The thing I just noticed was the Mosquitos that were around th girls. What could I do to get rid of them. From around the chickens?
  3. team guava pastry

    Not sure if this is the right section, goose vs. hens

    WE used to have 3 chochins hens and now we are down to 1. I believe that is started when someone dumped a male chinese goose in the canal and he found his way to the only female that survived, (I live in Miami) and there are a lot of 2 legged predators around. After a few weeks I saw the geese...
  4. team guava pastry

    red & black star HENS

    wondering if Red Sex Link is the same thing as RED STAR. i would like to purchase ONLY three of these type and it seems that most hatchery companies require a 10, 15 or 25 minumum order. would like to know if Red Sex Link is one and the same as Red Star so that i can purchase that kind from...
  5. team guava pastry

    jail time or not??

    Just found that our girls decided to start laying under our banana trees. So as of tomorrow I'm going to put them in jail for the day. Will this get them back to laying in the box? I just figured that if I kept them in the coop for the day and they would remember to lay in their box like...
  6. team guava pastry

    is she about to croak?

    our buff cochin, top of the pecking order, is sitting under a raised platform and doesn't want to eat, drink or run around as usual. we're a bit concerned. it's hot out but not any hotter than any other day in miami. she's usually the first one at the back door we open it. today she is not even...
  7. team guava pastry

    I know its hot, but......

    I woke up this morning to let our girls out and noticed that our buff hen wasn't looking so good. Its been in the upper 90s here in Mia. and she really didin't want to eat like usual. The other girls ran out and started eating like normal. So I watched the buff and so just walked over to the...
  8. team guava pastry

    trying to stop them from brooding

    Ha its like I don't even exist, I blocked off their boxes and only moved the piece of wood so the other chicken that's still laying could give me a egg I go back and look and this is what i find/ you gotta laugh and to top it off they don't even like each other always fighting when not...
  9. team guava pastry

    crappy weather down here

    Even though it rained all day long and our girls were wet almost all day. They saw in their hearts to give us 3 eggs today. I was quite surprised. they are going to get a special treat tomorrow morning. Got some leftover smoked kingfish I'm sure they will eat that... TGP
  10. team guava pastry

    what a day

    Our poor girls spent the day outside, in the rain and cold mid 40's and to stupid to get out of the weather. Now to please my girlfriend, the girls are in the spare bedroom in little boxes in the house where its warm. It's suppose to get down in the 30's and they are wet so......... I...
  11. team guava pastry

    cold weather

    I know it isn't that cold down here in Miami, but if our girls are use to higher temps will the colder temps put a halt on egg production? there are free rangers and they are chochins. Just curious? thanks and happy new yr to all. TGP I noticed that isn't stopped our goose from laying 1...
  12. team guava pastry

    Sad news

    Our beloved spoiled buff chochin(Stevie) died today. When I found her she was sitting in a dusting spot, and it must of just happened she was still limp. I checked her over and no truama, injuries, nothing. She wasn't very old perhaps just a yr old. She has been laying regularly, eating like...
  13. team guava pastry

    Ginormous EGG

    It seems that Angelina is practicing laying big eggs for Easter. The brown one is the first chix egg and the other is Angelina's first. The big one is the ones she's laying now. it's almost as big as the length of a hand. Angelina's camoflauging herself, while she lays. these are our other...
  14. team guava pastry

    Kinda of weird

    My girlfriend told me to chop up some leftover turkey for the chickens to eat and when i put it down our white chinese came runningover to see what the girls were eating and jump right in. Not just one piece gobbling (HA) it down as fast as the chickens. I thought it was weird that she would...
  15. team guava pastry

    colors of eggs

    Our chochins have been laying off and on since april. Lately one of them has been laying really light light brown eggs. The other are usually dark to med. brown. What could be making this happen? Diet? Time of yr? I told my girlfiend that it's something in thier diet from the yard that they...
  16. team guava pastry

    what's up with our chochins

    We have 4 great little chochins and they are all doing just fine. We got them in April. and have been laying real good. Usually 3 eggs a day and no roosters around to bother them. Got their privacy in the coop and are not crowded, free range inthe back yard. Now only one a day and I've...
  17. team guava pastry

    eating geese eggs????

    Baby angelina has laid some eggs, no wonder she loves to eat the chickens layer food. Well we got a freash one and decided to fry it up and try it. Well the yoke was huge but while frying it we noticed it had a white film over the top and the white part of the egg was paper thin while...
  18. team guava pastry

    baby angelina

    I was out back last night and picked up angelina and brought her in for a quick hello a few pics and the pay back for waking her up and bringing her in the house. oh well just a walk in the poop park. (just wear shoes)
  19. team guava pastry

    survival of the fittest

    here are the chicks that made it to see their 'real' mom. (3/6) this handsome fell'r is the DAD. and now we have ANOTHER girl gone broody on us. this time there are no eggs to sit on and we can't really hate for her to waste her time. what to do what to do?????
  20. team guava pastry

    don't want broody

    Once again, another one of our cochins has gone broody on us. this time there will be no babies. So my question is how do I get her to stop? I can't close her out of the coop that's where the nest boxes are and the others are laying. Please help........
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