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  1. LuvMyChicks1491

    Trying to fine some Magpie Ducks!

    I have been looking all over the web trying to find some Magpie Ducks. I have been looking to some girls for the drake that I currently have. I don't really want to buy them from a hatchery if I can help it. The ones that I have checked out all require a minimum of 10 and I really don't want...
  2. LuvMyChicks1491

    Speckled Sussex Roo? I think?

    Speckle is15-18 weeks old not exactly sure. Her/His comb has been red since he/she came to live here. I was told that Speckle was a hen, but I'm having second thoughts. I have been looking at other pictures, but I'm more confused then ever. I haven't gotten an egg, and there hasn't been and...
  3. LuvMyChicks1491

    Mottled Cochin Bantam? Girl?Boy? Any Ideas?

    I bought this little one at a week old. My kids thought that it looked like a mini penguin. They named it Peepers. I was told that it was a silkie and it wasn't to long that I knew that it wasn't. I did some research and I am pretty sure that it is a Mottled Cochin Bantam. But I'm not sure the...
  4. LuvMyChicks1491

    When will my new hens start to lay again?

    A 9 days ago I added 4 new girls to my flock. The 2 older ones (Black Copper Maran & Blue Maran) I was told were a little over a year old and were laying. The 2 younger ones (Speckled Sussex & Blue Maran) were about 13 weeks. The new older gals haven't started laying yet and I'm getting just a...
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