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  1. bp11chickens

    Getting new chicks

    I am going to get new chicks soon, and I was wondering which way would be better: Having a broody hatch them, or getting them as chicks and raising them inside. I want a few girls and one rooster.
  2. bp11chickens

    Thinking about getting a rooster...

    I have 11 1 year old black Australorp girls, and have been learning the whole year. So, in the beginning I tried to keep them in the run. That did NOT work to well . So, I put up a fence so that the could have a bigger run when I was home, and a smaller, more secure run for when I was not...
  3. bp11chickens

    My Dad Just doesn't get it!!!!

    Last night, I realized that the chickens were a little low on feed in their feeder. (I have trash can FULL of feed) So he decides that it is a great idea to throw scratch all over the run.(Mice had gotten in this and had died in it, and were still in it, so i decided that i was going to wait...
  4. bp11chickens

    Weird lump around breast area?????

    I noticed that one of my girls had a big lump around the left bottom side of her neck??? Any ideas of what it might be??
  5. bp11chickens

    When should I start Layer feed?

    I will be using Dumor 16% Layer feed. It says on the package that I should start feeding it to them at 18 weeks, but I was wondering if I could start feeding it to them about a week early if I run out of grower feed?
  6. bp11chickens


    The one with the big comb and waddles is the one i am not sure about, all of them are 16 weeks old, and are black australorps, the one mentioned is the same size as the rest, and the one beside it has the same size comb and waddles as the rest of them.
  7. bp11chickens

    When to add oyster shell

    My girls are almost 18 weeks and I will be switching them over to Dumor layer feed when they hit 18. When do you start to add oyster shell? do you mix it in with the food, or put it in a separate container?
  8. bp11chickens

    How do I keep the water from freezing?

    We have electricity for the coop, but the water-er is in the run. The run has a roof and is enclosed.
  9. bp11chickens

    Hen acting like a rooster

    My girls are 13 weeks old, and one of them is acting like a rooster, will she still lay eggs when it comes time? I have 11, and they are all girls.
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