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  1. Butterflyhigh

    My Gander is a Bully.

    I have one Embden gander. He's started chasing my kids and any visitors that stop by. He even chases their car's down the driveway. He will start hissing and come running towards me as well but he always stops short of reaching me, turns and walks away. I must be at the top of the pecking order...
  2. Butterflyhigh

    Ducks not wanting to eat in cold temperatures??

    It's been getting real cold, windy, and snowy here in Ohio recently and I have increased the amount of feed I am giving to my nine muscovies and one embden goose. The problem is...they have zero interest in eating. On the very cold rainy days they have no problem. I just call them and they...
  3. Butterflyhigh

    A few questions for the experts, and a lovely pic too!!

    Hi All! First off...I have learned so much about chickens and ducks from this site. I am really grateful for this resource. I started with my first chicken about four months ago. Now I have six! Two jerseys, two americaunas, one oprhington, and one mystery bird. I am feeding them layer...
  4. Butterflyhigh

    Attempting to identify the soft egg layer...

    Hello all! I have three Jersey Giants who are still young but should start laying very soon. I have had them for about two months. Two weeks ago I purchased three laying hens; one Orphington and two Americauna's, all between 1 and 1 1/2 years old. The little americana's never missed a beat...
  5. Butterflyhigh

    My ducks are duds.

    I've posted on here before about my muscovy duck issues. I am still having issues. I purchased an entire adult flock (nine muscovy's one embden goose) about two months ago from a kid who lives on a local farm. Even though I had done research for months this was an impulse buy and I did not ask...
  6. Butterflyhigh

    Anti-water ducks??

    I recently purchased 9 adult Muscovy's and 1 adult embden goose. They are all bonded to each other and came from an environment where they had access to a small kiddie pool of water. I have kept them penned for one week, hung out with them daily, and today finally allowed them to free-range my...
  7. Butterflyhigh

    New duck owner questions.

    Hello all! I am considering buying several adult ducks. They will have three acres of land and a one acre pond to free-range during the day, and a house built inside of a barn to sleep in at night. My questions are: 1. How much food can I expect to give them during the active foraging season...
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