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  1. CrunchyMeatEatr

    Raccoons are sadistic!!

    So this spring I got 18 laying hens to add to my flock which have a huge fenced in area to keep out large predators but it does little to keep out small critters. Unfortunately with as much as I'm gone the Coop usually stays open so the chickens can come am go as they please. After a few weeks I...
  2. CrunchyMeatEatr

    Managing different breeds Help?!

    this is my second year raising chicken. Last year I started with four (2 Barred Rocks, 2 Rhode Island Reds). I lost one of the Barred Rocks I suspect to the neighbors dog but never found it so my wife likes to think it went wild! This year we decided to expand, we bought two Light Brahmas one...
  3. CrunchyMeatEatr

    New member long time user

    hello everyone, I'm a new member but have been using BYC as a great information resource for over a year now. Last spring I started my chicken adventure with 4 chickens, this spring I've expanded to 11 chickens and 2 ducks. Although I had planned on raising them mostly for eggs with the...
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