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  1. jojosthings

    Pekin bantams/ bantam Cochins

    Hi there I hatched a few pekins in April and I'm wondering on gender, it's a new breed to me so I'm not sure how they mature. Roo? Roo? Pullet? Roo & pullet? They're 9 weeks today
  2. jojosthings

    Baby chick emergency!

    Hi all looking for some help. I've just found my 6 week old splash orpington chick being seriously pecked by her chick mates and mommy hen! She's lost all her but feathers her skin is raw and bleeding her but is oozing either puss or pasty butt?? Her vent is pulsating too!! but it looks bad...
  3. jojosthings

    Any guesses on gender of my orpington chicks?

    gonna have to find homes for all the Roos soon and I think I have more boys than girls these are my 8/9 week old chicks I'm thinking all the laced ones are boys but hoping I'm wrong And I know it's prob way too early to tell but just wondering if anyone has any hunches on these little guys...
  4. jojosthings

    Copper maran or burford brown??

    My friend has offered me one of his chicks which he claims are burford browns but I'd love them to be copper marrans because their eggs are so much darker? any guesses? they have feathered legs too?
  5. jojosthings

    Is it over for this little egg!!!???!

    Hey, I don't know if I'm doing this right I'm a first timer on all counts!!! I have 2 buff orps sitting really well on 1/2 dozen eggs. Theyre on day 6 now. Problem is they wouldn't be moved so they've set up camp in the nest boxes of my coup, which means their nests are very shallow! I've gone...
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