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  1. Honeysuckle

    I thought men weren't aloud to have earrings, let alone 10...

    My six year old cousin and I were sitting on the couch watching T.V., and it was the couch close to the door. A man stepped up the stairs, and since I didn't see him clearly because the glass makes thing's all wavy looking, I thought it was someone helping home-health that had come for my...
  2. Honeysuckle

    Looking for some Frizzle chicken pictures!

    My cousin wants to see some frizzle chickens. So I think alot of you have this bred. Would you mind showing you pictures to us?
  3. Honeysuckle

    5 torando's in 5 mintutes..

    There was a bad storm in Kentucky last night. The wind was so strong it blew are solid steel stand right over! But it did have a heavy fern on it that might of helped the wind. One newscaster said there was a torando in my cousin's town, but he said there wasn't. And the cheif newscaster said he...
  4. Honeysuckle

    One of my hen's is doing weird things..

    Today the hen had all of her tail feathers up and had them spread (like a peacock) and had puffed up her body to the size of our rooster! She in the roosting spot, not in the nest. What is she doing? She's also chasing the other hens around.
  5. Honeysuckle

    Name change please.

    I looked it up and no one has the name 'Honeysuckle' so I guess I can ask for it. Thanks.
  6. Honeysuckle

    Is anyone else made fun of because they like chickens?

    At school people make fun of me, saying how they love to eat chickens and such. I've told them a million times the way most restaurants kill their chickens, slitting their necks and leaving about 2/4 of them to get boiled alive. All they say is that chickens are just meat and eggs, not a...
  7. Honeysuckle

    Can anyone give me information on pasty butt in chicks?

    I have a chick that's vent area is matted with liquid. There's a yellow discharge coming from it's vent. They are from a hatchery and were not given a vaccine for Marak's diease and corrises (Spelled wrong, but I belive this is where they crap blood. Such a nice word for it too.) I'll try and...
  8. Honeysuckle

    What breeds are these little chicks?

    Okay, we got some chicks from Mc Murray. They arrived fine, even though it's been so hot out. They are all supposed to be female. What breeds are they? I'm hoping one is an americana. Here they are: This one has a broken leg, as you can see it sticking out. Thanks. Sorry if some are...
  9. Honeysuckle

    Is this the right bedding for them?

    We went to Rural King yesturday and replaced our cedar chip bedding (thanks people on the other thread) and got a mashed up bedding of corn cobs. When I smoothed it into the brooder, it felt hard. Well the chicks little feet get hurt? I don't want to make another stop, so I hoping no.
  10. Honeysuckle

    Odd things happening with my chickens.

    I have two problems, the first one is that our rooster will put his wings to the side (kind of like those bird wind things. You know when the wind isn't blowing their wings just hang down?) and chase a hen. The hen will run as fast as she can away from him? Is he trying to mount her? Their full...
  11. Honeysuckle

    How is everyone this morning?

    I'm fine. On BYC at school. Lurking like usal. Hoping some of the chicks from Mc Murray will be Americanas. How about you?
  12. Honeysuckle

    Mc Murray Hatchery Shippment on the 27th

    How did you chicken arrive from this hatchery? It our first time ordering. We order a order of 'Rainbow Layers' we also got the grow gel stuff. Our brooder has a feeder and waters, cedar chips will they try and it these? I know to put marbles of something into their waterer though. Wish me...
  13. Honeysuckle

    We might be getting more chickens!

    My father called the Rural King and they said they're getting a shipment of about 100 chicks next week! It's not the closest one to us but it not that far away. He said he shouldn't of told me because I'm getting to excited. But, they might be sold out by the time we get they're though. I hope...
  14. Honeysuckle

    Need some help trying to find this painting

    It's called 'The hen and the Hawk' by John Steuart Curry. Here's the description: 'The hen is pictured in the supreme act of motherhood-defending her chicks from the fierce hawk. Though ill-equipped to fend off the attack, she shuts hers eyes, flaps her wings, and even manages to get her plump...
  15. Honeysuckle

    Wanted- Ameraucana hens in KY

    Looking for Ameraucana hens in KY, because I lost many of my chickens in a hawk attack. PM me if you have any for sale.
  16. Honeysuckle

    Only 4 chickens out of 11 left...

    6 chickens have been killed by a hawk flying around. We have tried to keep them in the coop, but on the days we let them free-range they were slowly being killed. We have the following still alive: Austrops(spelled wrong, I know)- Black chicken and Torn-up-face (she has a torn up face) Barred...
  17. Honeysuckle

    Hen walking with mouth hanging open.

    One of my favorite hen's are walking around with her beak open and only closes it when she eating (she's not drinking). I think she's not getting enough water and she needs to drink. She became very social today, she tried to jump on my shoulder! What do you think is wrong with my hen?
  18. Honeysuckle

    Anyone selling in KY?

    Looking for EE's, Americana's, or Aceana's (spelled wrong) in KY. I live in Dixon, KY.
  19. Honeysuckle

    A question on crows.

    A crow or hawk, something is killing our chickens. I have saw big black birds in the trees watching the chickens below. I even had a dream of a BIG hawk swooping towards me. If they're a why to stop the birds from coming?
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