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  1. NJbirdlover

    Muddy mess....straw, pine, sand?....HELP(DUPLICATE)

    Hello fellow chicken lovers- My run is a muddy mess! What is normally a well drained rock hard run is now (after 50" of snow) a sloppy, muddy, smelly mess! I need to dry it out somehow but need to do it the most economical way possible. I could use straw just to give them something to walk on...
  2. NJbirdlover

    Muddy mess....straw, pine, sand?....HELP

    Hello fellow chicken lovers- My run is a muddy mess! What is normally a well drained rock hard run is now (after 50" of snow) a sloppy, muddy, smelly mess! I need to dry it out somehow but need to do it the most economical way possible. I could use straw just to give them something to walk on...
  3. NJbirdlover

    Bald eagles & hawks EVERYWHERE!!

    This is the first fall (as in the season) as a chicken owner and I don't think I have ever seen this many red tailed hawks and especially bald eagles around! My flock doesn't free range unless I am out with them and their coop is sealed and has a covering on top so I know they are ok. Is this...
  4. NJbirdlover

    Yummy turkey ...for my chickens??

    I would like to give my flock their own turkey dinner tomorrow night. I would like to just throw in the turkey carcass and let them have at it, but I am nervous about them choking on little bones. I thought it would give them something to do, but do you think it's better to strip all of the...
  5. NJbirdlover

    Too much protein??

    Is there such a thing as too much protein??
  6. NJbirdlover

    When to coat waddles & combs

    I have heard that when it gets real cold you can coat your chickens combs with vaseline to help prevent frostbite. At what temp would be a good time for this and does it actually work?
  7. NJbirdlover

    They are trying to dig to China!!

    I think I may have future escape artists! My hens are digging holes in their run right up against the fencing 1-11/2 ft deep. I am afraid eventually they are going to make their way out. I keep filling them in...put a couple bricks in them..they just dig around them. Is this just a way to pass...
  8. NJbirdlover

    We have an egg!!!!!YAY YAY!!!

    We finally got our first egg today! My 11 dd was doing her daily check and actually found an egg. Our EE'r "Fuzz Butt" gave us a medium to large blue egg. You would have thought it was Christmas morning in my house-it was great!! :clap
  9. NJbirdlover

    Beautiful 18wk. Speckled Sussex Rooster free to good home-NJ

    "Romeo" is looking for a new flock of hens to get aquainted with. He is very calm and not agressive at all. We live in Southern NJ, 15 minutes from the DE. Memorial Bridge. Beautiful coloring and tail feathers. Photo avail.
  10. NJbirdlover

    Rooster picking on "Weezy"..why?

    Romeo our 17 week old SS Rooster is always picking on "Weezy" our 17 wk old buff orp hen. He will grab a beak full of feathers and hold on while she goes screaming and tries to get away. This happens several times a day he grabs at her head, side, back where ever and always ends up pulling out a...
  11. NJbirdlover

    1 dead-1 can't walk~~~UPDATE!

    I came home tonight after a day at the beach and checked on my 12 week old chickens and noticed that a black aust. hen was just sitting in one spot off on her own. I picked her up and noticed that the toes on her one foot were curled under and that she couldn't walk on it at all-this is also...
  12. NJbirdlover

    Birthday present for 3 wk old chicks*cute pics*

    "Well my fuzz butts turned 3 weeks yesterday and as a present they took a trip outside. The pen was pretty secure but I sat with them the whole time....I just knew all of the predators in my area would know they were there-LOL At first they didn't seem to know what to do but then they caught...
  13. NJbirdlover

    Yogurt but no calcium in grit??????

    Quick question~~ Why is grit w/ calcium a no-no but yogurt as a treat encouraged? I understand that the active cultures are good for their digestive tracts-is this the only reason?
  14. NJbirdlover

    I miss my fuzzies!!!!!!!!!!!

    Don't worry they are OK, but we moved them into the garage last night. DH just couldn't take it anymore, his allergies have been horrible! He said either he goes or the chicks go.....after a looong agonizing decision(just kidding) the chicks had to go. They are nice and cozy in our garage but...
  15. NJbirdlover

    from tote to playpen-will this be sufficient?

    My 1 week old chicks have officially grown out of their rubbermaid tote. They were starting to go crazy running and flapping and it just didn't seem roomy enough for them. As of last night my 13 chicks have been in a playpen which seems to be working out great. They really seem to want to fly...
  16. NJbirdlover

    Here are my fuzzies!!! *Lots of PIC'S*

    Here are some of my cute sweet little fuzzies. I know what most of them are(check my signature line) but I can't figure out which one is the Ameracauna(EE?) (not sure if a pure know how that goes) and one chick was an extra and I have no idea what he/she is so here they are~
  17. NJbirdlover

    Friendliest of the bunch! Will it stay that way?

    My BO's are living up to their reputation...very sweet! I have 2 pullets(hopefully) and when we put our hands in the brooder they run right over to my suprise the 2nd friendliest would have to be our RIR's they are very curious and want to investigate my hand everytime. Our BR's have...
  18. NJbirdlover

    Didn't know freckles tasted so good!

    Everytime my 11yr old DD puts her hands in the brooder all of the chicks run over, jump in her hand and peck like crazy at the freckles on her arms. It is so funny, they are like little wood peckers......until one little BO pinched her skin....ouch!
  19. NJbirdlover

    Hmmm, where did that one come from????

    I recived my 12 chicks yesterday, all still doing very well. This morning my 11 yr old dd and were checking for pasty butt's at (6am) and my daughter says "mom, I thought we got 12 chicks???well there are 13 here now" I even counted them at the post office yesterday but lo and behold we have...
  20. NJbirdlover

    They are here!!I am a chicken mama!!!!!!!

    I got the call 5:30 this morning my chicks were at the post office. I ran right over to pick them up and they were all alive (I was afraid to check in the box):jumpy:ya They started drinking and eating with no problem, no pasty butt so far either. One little BO was a little wobbly and has a red...
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