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  1. stockedkitchen

    Swede ducklings

    When do their beaks change color so I can tell their sex? I have all black beaks. I dont think I could be lucky enough to have hatched all hens. Also, how old will they be when true feather coloring comes in or does it not really change?
  2. stockedkitchen

    Couple of Turkey Questions

    I have a one tom in with 2 hens and they are breeding. The tom has become aggressive. He was never a sweet bird. I realize, he is protecting his hens but what is a good way to deal with getting in and out of the pen, that is safe for all. Also, what is the best thing to be feeding them, now that...
  3. stockedkitchen

    How do I help a hump in the neck of a chick?

    I just found in my incubator the cutest chick but she has a deformity. There is a "hump" , twist in her neck. I tried to put her in to the brooder and the oldest hatch mates went after her. So I know there is something wrong. She "seems" healthy and strong except for her neck. Is there anything...
  4. stockedkitchen

    Can you sex day old by coloring and yellow chick from black hen

    I have a couple of sexling hens along with other breeds and mix roos. I have a few chicks with white spots on their heads. Are they males? The green on the other chick is so I know that it came from a leghorn egg. I keep getting yellow fluffy chicks from my black hens or the wyndotte, which I...
  5. stockedkitchen

    Turkey breeding

    My friend gave me her turkeys. 2 Narragansett hens and what she was told was from a wild stock tom. She was also thinking one of the hens was a tom and she was obviously not. She a bit gullible. I think, the tom is bronze. When I got them they along with the ducks were in ratty condition. She...
  6. stockedkitchen

    Naked Neck with a growth on neck

    The chick is maybe 5 months old and seem healthy and active other than these 2 bumps on its neck. It and it's 4 siblings are my first NN's so I dont know if they are prone to weirdness on their necks or not. If it were a reg. chicken I dont think I would ever notice until it was huge. It's not...
  7. stockedkitchen

    Looking for Lavender Pekins

    I have done a small search for them online. The only sellers are in the U.K. Does anyone have hatching eggs to sell?
  8. stockedkitchen

    Silkie chick with prolasped vent or navel

    This is my first hatch and one of the babies seems to have a problem. I think it has a prolapsed vent or navel.It looks like its guys are hanging out. Its 28hrs old and still isnt "dry". They are in the homemade incubator still with regular chicken eggs that have pipped but not hatched. So the...
  9. stockedkitchen

    drake with blood on bill

    My drake has blood on either side of his bill looking like his nostrils are bleeding. He seems healthy otherwise. He did have a bit of a scare while I was chasing chickens in the same pin. He's a blue swede and his female looks and seems fine also. They are "free range" in a large pin. Help, I...
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