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  1. Icedangel11

    WEIRD colored eggs..

    Not your average 'split' egg..From ultra spotty eggs to these swirl eggs. This particular hen tends to always lay these 'swirl' eggs. Also the spot in the white part? Was on the top of the egg. So it wasn't a spot on the ground. I have some eggs with legitimate swirls on them. But yeah...
  2. Icedangel11

    Can she be saved, or is it too late?

    I discovered one of my chicks was very, very thing, and covered in mites. Barely eating but standing. I used 7 dust on her, gave her a little honey and food to eat, set her in the coop. She's laying down down, eye's closed. Picked her up and her head is trying to curl backwards. This happened...
  3. Icedangel11

    Chickens face smells like a dirty coop?

    Yeah, it's a weird thing. Due to some unfortunate events I had to move my chickens from a perfect coop into a shed for a while. The shed got dusty REALLY quickly, the chickens developed sneezes. I treated with Terramycin (spelling?) and wormed them for health. They had no reduction in symptoms...
  4. Icedangel11

    3 week old chicks Neck feathers PLUCKED

    I have a young chick, two maybe three weeks. I was late in putting out the food this morning and I think someone tried to eat her. Her neck is missing most of her feathers, theres a little blood but it's VERY red. I'd post pictures but I don't have a camera right now. It looks like a Naked...
  5. Icedangel11

    Will a new Rooster kill chicks?

    My chickens are all free range and I have a mother hen parenting 16 baby chicks. They are about two weeks now. She's not top dog,I think there is one hen above her, but she does a good job. So far she's only lost one chick and that was because it got out of the 'chick pen' through a tiny crack...
  6. Icedangel11

    Fishy eggs?

    I'm not sure what's causing this, but I have a 'fishy' taste to my eggs. My hens Free range all day long, but also get free access to crumble food. Currently they are eating Dumor Grower/Finisher...
  7. Icedangel11

    Drake trying to breed with hens?

    A while ago I bought 6 chicks and a duckling. Now they are about 5 months old and the drakes taking an interest to the ladies.. By trying to mate with my hens. He's gentle about it, but it could still kill them. I have female ducks in a pond a little whiles away (it's the neighbor's pond, but...
  8. Icedangel11

    Crop problems? Or just paranoid?

    I recently had to cull a chicken. After dealing with mites she'd somehow managed to develop some sort of sickness that left her mouth full of slime and bits of blood. I thought it might've been pneumonia or something. But the poor girl was in ragged shape and I just hatched out chicks and...
  9. Icedangel11

    Grower/finisher for new chicks?

    I recently had some young chicks hatch out. It'll be until tomorrow until I can get to the store to buy some starter food. Will eating grower/finisher hurt them? I've read some places that too much calcium can kill baby chickens. Will one or two days hurt them?
  10. Icedangel11

    When your chickens are actually tiny dinosaurs.

    Today I was visiting with my lovely ladies as they free ranged around the yard when a bird, maybe a small sparrow, decided to fall out of a tree. Maybe it was young, maybe it was injured, but it couldn't fly away. My "pack" of hens chases it down using very impressive coordination and pecked...
  11. Icedangel11

    UTI in a doeling?

    I have a young doeling, about a week old, who might have a UTI? Her mom is a FF and is only feeding one baby plus being milked. Her milk is normal, doesn't have any unusual taste or smell (that I can tell..) Though sometimes it has swirls of 'whiter' white milk before you shake it up. But...
  12. Icedangel11

    HELP! Goat got into Chicken Grower/finisher and possibly in labor OR Bloat?

    I'm not sure how much my goat ate of it, but she really likes that grower finisher. I took it away and locked it in the house today because she'd happily eat the whole bag. It was the Dumor Grower/finished feed. Today she's laying down more than often (Just today) and burping more often...
  13. Icedangel11

    Baytril in chickens?

    So one of my hens sounds a little congested. A bit of gurgling when she breaths. I've tipped her upside down and patted her chest, then she sneezes, and the gurgle goes away for a while. She's eating and drinking normally, just a little gurgle. If this a serious problem or can it work itself...
  14. Icedangel11

    Pregnant or just fat? (Goat)

    So I just bought my first two goats today! One Tricolor moon spotted and one cream-and-white Nigerian dwarves. The Moon spotted has started to calm down and accept my petting, the cream and white.. not so much. Both have been just handled at night, so they aren't the picture or domestication...
  15. Icedangel11

    Is it a roo?

    About two months ago I got some chickens from TSC. Two of them were from a 'black straight run'. I THOUGHT they were just black sex links. But one is starting to look a bit like a Roo. By comparison here is 'his' sister who had the same markings as a chick. I can't...
  16. Icedangel11

    Can unhandled ducks be 'tamed'?

    I've just got two yearling duck hens but they haven't been handled much. I'm not looking for a 'follow you around and cuddle' duck but something I might be able to occasionally pick up without breaking my nose. I've managed to just hold one for a few seconds without it spazzing so I think they...
  17. Icedangel11

    week old chick very weak

    I found she'd fallen outside of the house earlier this morning and had been laying down. She was alert and pretty responsive despite seeming very tired. I made her drink some water and put her back. I just come back and she's a bit cold and very unresponsive. If I rub her and really fuss her...
  18. Icedangel11

    When can I take the chickies outside?

    Hellow everyone. I recently got my first chickens and a duckling from a TSC near me. I'm not entirely sure of all the breeds but I believe two are black sexlinks, one lace wyanette (I think that's the name) one RIR and a production white (as far as I can tell. She's just a yellow chick) I have...
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