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  1. StonebeckFarm

    Hen with Labored Breathing

    I have RIR who is 1.5. She has heavy labored breathing. Her poop is normal. There is no discharge from her nose. Her waddle and comb are pale and her tail is down. She seems to be alert other than she seems to have exaggerated breathing. She is eating and drinking. Her crop seems to be a normal...
  2. StonebeckFarm

    Thanks SilkieChicken

    Just want to thank you for your help last month, around the 8th of Dec. I had a hen that died and was wondering if it was cocci. You recommended not treating and doing a necropsy. We had it done and it was really helpful- turns out our hen died of eating insulation. She got on top of the nest...
  3. StonebeckFarm

    Dead Hen

    Yesterday one of our RI Reds died in the run. (We ere gone all day. They free range only when we are home.) My husband found her when he went to lock up. She died by the door. It looks as if she sat down, put her beak down and died. In looking her over, I noticed lots of mites, so I will dust...
  4. StonebeckFarm

    Entire backside of Barred Rock is thick pasty white

    We have a “sick” barred rock (8 months old)with a white pasty bottom/backside whose feathers are severely matted with lots of thick white pasty poop (? Not sure what the substance is). We noticed about a month ago that she had poop stuck to her that was not blocking her anus. We were in a frigid...
  5. StonebeckFarm

    Lost 8- all dead or is there hope?

    Wednesday morning we lost 8 hens - all 11 weeks old while they were free ranging in the yard/pasture and we were home. They were part of a flock of 25. We looked for the missing hens as we were putting their sisters to and my husband found several piles of feather on the other side of the fence...
  6. StonebeckFarm

    Scared of the dark?

    We're a new chicken family with 25 ladies who are about 5 weeks old. They have been living in our kitchen in a child’s swimming pool lined with hay and surrounded by 4 feet of chicken wire. They have a vairiety of log roosts in the pool. We have taken them out during the day but brought them...
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