He came from an assorted bantam bin at Atwood's. He's a lot smaller than the others I got at the same time. I picked him because he was solid yellow with 2 black dots on his head. He's about 6-8 weeks old. His feathers look rough because I have a nibbling gosling. He has freedom now from them.
I have 2 African geese about 2 1/2 months old. One has a very dark stripe down it's neck and the other one's is very light. Their feathers are identical. Could the dark stripe mean gander? TIA.
Putting everybody in their new coop and run. Happiness is the chair I put in there so I can decompress every evening. Best happiness is having one of you favorite babies fly up and sit on your leg
Getting my Buff goslings hopefully tomorrow. I'm curious about how long to use the heat lamp since it's been really warm here. Inside temps are about 75.
Ideal called this morning and said my order of 2 Toulouse and 2 Buffs will ship next week instead of June 4th!!!!! I'm so excited!!!!!
Need name suggestions. Go!!
I knew my Ancona was a girl because she has a loud, obnoxious quack but I was hoping my khaki was, too. Nope, I noticed a small tail feather sticking straight up and his quack is whispery. Next to wait for the Rouens to tell me what they are.
Quackers is about 8-9 weeks old and her wing feathers are really coming in nice. I noticed today that the black on her wings has a very pretty green tint. Is this typical?
I have a few questions I hope y'all can answer. I'm new a ducks and geese but I'm hooked!!
My ducks are 7-8 weeks old and the goslings are about 3. They are living in a playpen in my living room. The geese are now as big as the ducks, lol. The ducks are clearly ready to be outside but the geese...
New to the forum and ducks. Love these stinkers!!! I know Oats is a Khaki but unsure of sex. Quakers is either a magpie or aconda. Mark and Crusoe have is stumped. Can anyone help? TIA.