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  1. curlycue212

    tylan 50

    what is the dosing for tylan 50 injectable
  2. curlycue212

    tylan 50 liquid

    dosing information for liquid tylan 50
  3. curlycue212

    rooster loses hackle feathers every year

    every year my 6 yr. old roo molts and his feathers come in and he looks great. By the end of Jan. he loses his hackle feathers on his back leaving just the down feathers. Looks ugly then. Any info about this. None of the other birds lose any feathers. Not sure if it is bugs or not. Have dusted...
  4. curlycue212

    bad eggs from one chicken

    i have one black sex link that's been laying leathery eggs that won't harden religiously. i know that would mean not enough calcium usually, but i keep oyster shell in a feeder and also grind the egg shells and put it back into the feed. no other birds are having this issue.. don't know what...
  5. curlycue212

    Rooster with bumblefoot and mites?

    I'm thanking you all in advance. I've got a roo with bumblefoot i know now. I thought it was scale mites at first, but a friend put me on to bumblefoot. The other problem is that right where the leg scales meet the flesh of the leg he is just eat up with redness. Thought it was part of the scale...
  6. curlycue212


    every year my rooster looses his feathers on his back from behind the wings to his tail feathers. i put diatomateceous earth out every time i clean the pen, and none of the other birds ever lose feathers either. any ideas?
  7. curlycue212

    flock just won't let their pullets into the flock

    Had posted this problem earlier this spring, and thought this problem would go away by now. But no. My pullets of 1.5 yrs. now young hens are just beaten up on by the rooster(dad) and my 2 black sex links(queens of the herd). Whenever the young hens come out of the henhouse into the pen or yard...
  8. curlycue212

    Can't get my pullets into the flock

    I need help getting my new pullets into the flock. These birds are the flocks offspring, but they just won't let the young ones in. I thought i did everything right. Raised youngins in a separate pen. Come fall at 8 mo. old I started introducing them to the big pen. All 5 of my other hens won't...
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