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  1. mommacassey

    Sad lesson in humanity

    I stopped by the grocery store on the way home from work last night, only to learn when I got home that we should head out again because there were several things we also needed more of. So, my husband and I packed the girls up into the car and headed out again. We stopped at the intersection...
  2. mommacassey

    Lionhead rabbits can't eat lettuce?

    Hello! We got our first pair of rabbits the other day, and they are white lionhead does. Knowing I'd probably end up in charge of supplying their food (I am, after all, the Momma) I did some research online about what they could eat other than pellets and Timothy hay, which seems to be a...
  3. mommacassey

    Pullets, hopefully...

    We'll figure out more about their gender when they get a little older, but until then, we're just wondering about the breed.
  4. mommacassey

    Still getting started...

    We ordered a coop from TSC because we're not really in the design or construction know. We got word yesterday that they're going to be delivering it next Tuesday. I'm really excited about it, and my husband's just glad I'm not asking him to go to the hardware store to buy stuff, or that I want...
  5. mommacassey

    New here and very excited

    It's taken a while and a few life changes but I've convinced my husband that keeping chickens will be a good thing. Our timing could barely be better--we mentioned our new openness to the idea and a friend told us that he had recently been given two unsexed chicks by friends of his who won them...
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