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  1. RichieChickies

    The mean old Roo had to go...

    I came in to work today and a co-worker told me the boss got rid of Gomez, our old rooster. He went after my co-worker, again. It was time. But now i'm a bit concerned the girls will miss him! We have 7 young roosters right now, but none have even crowed. We got the chicks in mid March. How long...
  2. RichieChickies

    Funny Eggs!

    We have a flock of 30 RIR's. I just took over chicken duty and noticed that the shells are not what they should be. Mottled, extra calcium coating (some look whitewashed), wrinkling, and little "nipples" on them. Plus I have had two in a week that were shell-less! From the research I have done...
  3. RichieChickies

    Hello from Richland Student Farms, Richland Community College!

    Hello, my name is Anni and I am the current chicken lady at Richland Student Farms in Decatur Illinois. There are a couple of us that will be on here periodically. I really liked the idea of having a school page so that anyone who helps with the chickens, and had questions or concerns, could pop...
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