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  1. critterlover

    What is this?

    I found this on my hens drop board today. All other poops are normal. It is the size of a golf ball. All hens are acting normal. What is it?
  2. critterlover

    Chickens turning on a single chicken

    I have 7 chickens who have been living together since chicks and are now 2 years old (no roo). Everything was fine until a couple of days ago when they started to pick on one of my buffs. She never tries to fight with anyone and just runs aways. All the chickens, even my smaller girl who is...
  3. critterlover

    Chicken Found Dead

    This morning when I opened the coop to let my chickens out, one of them was dead. She was laying on her side on the drop board under the roost and looks like she just fell asleep. I can't find one thing wrong with her. She doesn't have a mark on her anywhere. She had been dead a few hours...
  4. critterlover

    Do Peepers Really Work??

    I have done EVERYTHING for my chickens and I am going insane with their feather picking!! I am going to have bald chicken pretty soon. They have plenty of room, fresh air, water, feed, vegetables, grain, etc. They never even looked at the cabbage I hung for them. They used the Flock Block...
  5. critterlover

    NEED ADVICE! Green skin on chicken?

    Despite all my efforts and a pampered life, my chicken have taken to plucking each other this winter. No blood or sores. Missing feathers around vent and only down feathers around hip area. They have recently started plucking around a few of the chickens necks down to the skin, still NO...
  6. critterlover

    Pine Tar Question

    When using pine tar on a chicken that has been pecked on her hind end, does it still allow circulation for the feathers to grow back? Does it burn the skin? Does it stay sticky or dry to the touch so every spec of shavings and dirt does not stick to her? Are there any adverse affects of...
  7. critterlover

    Feathers missing around vent, Why?

    I just noticed this morning that one of my hens has feathers missing around her vent. I do not have a roo and my girls do not peck at each other. As a matter of fact they get along very well. They are six months old and I believe most of them are laying eggs at this point. She is eating...
  8. critterlover

    Feeding Spaghetti Squash?

    My chickens love uncooked butternut squash and pumpkin. Can I give them uncooked spaghetti squash too?
  9. critterlover

    Is this poop normal?

    I switched my chickens over to layer feed six days ago. When I did I noticed a caramel colored softer poop in the run. I thought maybe their stomachs were upset with the switch so I gave them some plain rice for a couple of days. The new poops were gone. Today there seem to be more of these...
  10. critterlover

    Is it safe to eat eggs if chicken has fowl pox?

    My girls which are 5 months old have not laid an egg yet, but I have one that has been squatting for about a week now. She may have fowl pox. When the big day arrives that I finally find an egg, is it safe to eat and egg from an infected chicken? If not, how long would I have to wait before...
  11. critterlover

    Vitamins for Fowl Pox?

    I have four of my nine chickens (5 months old) who appear to have fowl pox. The strange part is that one day they just suddenly had small black spots the size of a head of a pin or smaller for some on their wattle or comb. They never had these yellow puss filled bumps like I have been reading...
  12. critterlover

    Switching feed upset stomach?

    I just switched my 5 months old girls from Start and Grow to Layer feed. Today I noticed more poops that were a little loose and medium brown in color. They all seem fine, but could they have stomach upset from switching the feed? Does it take a few days for them to adjust?
  13. critterlover

    Are dirty feathers Just dirty feathers?

    I have a Buff Orphington who has had some dirty tail feathers for a while now. She is only five months old and basically had them since shortly after they were first allowed outside. I have play sand in their run, but they have dug down to dirt in a few small spots. I have checked her...
  14. critterlover

    Putting a 'tub' underground for dust bath?

    My chickens are starting to dig a hole in the corner of the run to bathe themselves in the dirt. This is a bad spot for them to be doing this. Has anyone ever dug a hole in the ground and placed a 'tub' type of container or small kiddie pool so it is at ground level and then placed sand/dirt...
  15. critterlover

    Who has Polish hens in CT?

    I have a single Buff Polish hen 11 weeks old who is living alone because other chicks pecked her. She is living in the house right now, but really should be outside enjoying life! I would love to find her a really great loving pet only home with other Polish hens. Problem is I don't want her...
  16. critterlover

    Peach Cobbler

    I am looking for a really great Peach Cobbler recipe. Anyone willing to share theirs???
  17. critterlover

    Keeping a single chicken

    When I picked up my 9 chicks a couple of months ago they gave me 1 Polish that had been sent with the order. I thought no problem they are all babies and will grow up together. Everything was fine until they were about 5 weeks old and I found her one day and they had pecked her on her back...
  18. critterlover

    Will they lay eggs this year?

    My hens will be 18 weeks old in mid October. Since the weather here will start to get colder around then, will they still begin to lay their first eggs? The days will be shorter too and I know that affects their egg laying. I can provide artifical light, but if I don't will it be next...
  19. critterlover

    Scratch Recipe

    I've search on here under every kind of key words I can think of and I can't seem to find a homemade recipe for scratch. I have found post that give basic things that can be put into scratch (cracked corn, whole oats, wheat, milo, flaxseeds, barley), but not a specific recipe. I may be...
  20. critterlover

    Will chickens overeat?

    It was very warm here today and my poor girls were panting and their wings were almost to the floor. I had a fan, ice water and tried misting them. I gave them watermelon and they went crazy over it. They are just starting to eat fresh veggies/fruit, etc. Can they eat too much or should I...
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