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  1. Little Coop

    Two new roos, what breeds do you think?

    Just received these two boys along with about 15 hens (2 banties) from a friend who is moving. I intend to keep the silver guy (already have 5 Silver Wyandottes among others) but prob not the red. Or maybe seperate the group into two flocks so,that the production reds are with the red? The...
  2. Little Coop

    Egg bound or something else?

    One of my RIR 3 yr old hens is exhibiting all the symptoms...tail down, comb limp, pushing, no egg. One of the girls left me a 4oz egg two days ago, so am suspicious that it was her and she's backed up. Gave her two 15-30 minute warm baths, lubed vent with some olive oil, mostly external. Can't...
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