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  1. thatotherfarmer

    Buff Orpington Red Ranger Cross

    I have a large Old English Buff rooster and several Red Rangers I am raising and I wanted to know if anyone has tried this cross or has any input of what the offspring would be. I would imagine it to be a quite hardy bird, but what about egg production and growth rate? Would this cross be good...
  2. thatotherfarmer

    Sick hen, need info

    I have a sick hen. I remember reading a post about a hen with these same symptoms, but I can't remember what it was. For several days I would come into the coop and she would just be sitting on the roost with her eyes closed. If they were open they looked watery. She has a pale look to her head...
  3. thatotherfarmer

    Rabbits and eating their young.

    I am new to the rabbit game and was wondering, if one doe has a litter and it's in a pin with another doe will the one without offspring eat the other's bunnies? I have 7 does and a buck and was curious. I know the buck will eat bunnies, but I did not know about other does if they are all together.
  4. thatotherfarmer

    Possibly worlds tiniest egg.

    My buff orpington hens are gaining on 20 weeks now and are starting to lay tiny eggs. Usually I find tiny eggs in the nesting box, but this one, along with one other, are usually around the waterer (my guess is that they tries to poop and it just came out). The egg to the right is a grown hen's...
  5. thatotherfarmer

    Buff orpington coloration.

    I have 15 buffs which I have raised since they were 4 weeks old. Now that they are close to laying and looking more mature I've noticed different colorations amongst the flock. While several look as I believe a buff should, a majority of them look as if they have more of a redish color. Is this...
  6. thatotherfarmer

    Aging buff orpington pullets

    [/IMG][/IMG] I believe they are around 12ish weeks old, but I want to be completely sure. Any help would be fantastic!
  7. thatotherfarmer

    Organic feed?

    I live in NW Georgia and wanted to feed my new flock organic. So two questions. Is it worth it? Where's the cheapest place to get it? From what I've researched, it's through the roof expensive.
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