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  1. CedarCrestFarm

    Chicken gasping after giving Tylan

    Oh my, hoping someone can please give some insight. I have a girl that I started treating with Tylan 50 for what seemed to be a cold or some sort of respitory issue. She seems to be getting worse. Today I gave her the 3rd dose of Tylan and for the last 15 minutes, she has been wheezing and...
  2. CedarCrestFarm

    Bumble foot in chicks?

    took in 6 Swedish hens today-3 wks old. They appear to have bumble foot. Never have seen this in a young chick. Have had great success with bluekote on adult chicken but never have seen it in such young chicks. Any help or advise would be appreciated.
  3. CedarCrestFarm

    Housing chicks that are Vaccinated with non Vaccinated

    Have someone who purchased hatching eggs from me and has now decided she can't keep the chicks. They are 4 weeks old. I vaccinate any chick that hatches on our farm and these chicks have not been vaccinated. I would like to take the babies but wondering if there is any danger of having non...
  4. CedarCrestFarm

    Chick born with intestine outside of body

    Clearly have a chick that is not going to live. However, she is fighting to stay alive. A late hatch. Appears her intestinal tract is outside of her body. Has anyone ever seen such a thing, as I have not. Any advise on how to humanly cull a chick other than scissors??
  5. CedarCrestFarm

    Newly hatched chick - Marek's issue!

    Hoping someone can please offer their expertise! I recently had hatch of chicks that I incubated. There was 1 egg left and I was sure it was not going to hatch but left it in the incubator just in case. Well, 2 days after the other chicks hatched, this chick is now hatching, The problem....I...
  6. CedarCrestFarm

    How do I spoil thee? Let me count the ways!

    Last night after spending $75.00 at the grocery store buying for my flock (Kale, Fruit, Alfalfa Sprouts, Herbs, "Super Salad" Quinoa and Oatmeal) I thought it might be fun to start a thread! How do you spoil your chickens? What great foods do you offer in winter when foraging is out of the...
  7. CedarCrestFarm

    Non GMO Gourmet Chicken Feed

    Freshly milled NON GMO chicken feed. One look and sniff of this amazing feed and you will never buy old pellet feed again! Chalk full of nutrients, vitamins and live probiotics. The higher protein than most layer feeds 18%, will boost egg production and keep your flocks feathers full and...
  8. CedarCrestFarm

    Sour crop in 13 wk old bantam

    My little girl is really struggling. I brought her to the avian vet this morning suspecting sour crop. However, he did not think she had sour crop and treated her with sub fluids and an antibiotic. (her temp was 90*) However, when I brought her home and warmed her up, she expelled a runny...
  9. CedarCrestFarm

    New Mama hen losing a tremendous amount of feathers

    My Cochin hatched a few late season chicks 2 weeks ago. Today I noticed that she is losing feathers on her neck, back and stomach. I have checked for parasites and don't see any signs of such. She is very stressed and I am not sure why, as she is removed from the rest of the flock. Have not...
  10. CedarCrestFarm

    Weak, Unbalanced and limp comb

    Rescued a 4 month old Japanese Bantam cockerel from awful conditions. He and his flock mate were doing amazingly well until 2 days ago. Boy is very weak, can only walk backwards and now his comb is limp. I brought him to the vet yesterday and he was given a shot of antibiotics. I feel so...
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