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  1. bunniesanchez

    Rooster Collar HELP 911

    sooo I have a dilemma, one of my neighbors complained about another neighbors 4 roosters... that neighbor in turn told animal control that I had a rooster. the city knocked on my door told my husband I had to get rid of my little guy... I called the city and after a very heated discussion...
  2. bunniesanchez

    HELP!!! momma chicken regected one of her babies

    so the craziest thing happened. i had a hen hatch a baby at day 23, 25 and 29 day 29 being today. well the ones that hatched at day 23 and 25 had no problem with the momma hen but the one that hatched earlier today she had a big problem with. my son called me when he got home from school...
  3. bunniesanchez

    Hatch-a-long update!!

    So a little over a week ago, I posted a thread about 2 of my girls going broody at the same time as I had put 48 eggs in my bator... because the girls went broody on the same day I snuck a few eggs underneath them. unfortunately while trying to help my 9 year old turned the heater on in my...
  4. bunniesanchez


    so my first attempt with incubation totally sucked! I lost all 14 babies. not one hatched =/ I placed 48 eggs in the bator 6 days ago to try again... on the 3rd day I went outside to play with my girls (chickens) because I had been sick for a few days so I had passed on the chicken duties to my...
  5. bunniesanchez


    yay!!!! so any advice for this first time incubating egg mommy? I have 14 eggs that im going to put in the incubator. I already prepared my boys for the not every one is going to hatch moment but anything else? are they like human babies do you talk to them while in the egg? LOL
  6. bunniesanchez

    how to hatch with a broody hen

    so one of my chickens is laying eggs (not sure which one it is yet) I have a rooster in their with them which ive seen mount everyone one of them so im pretty sure the egg is fertile. the eggs are being layed on the floor. if I move the eggs to another location maybe a dog crate and she...
  7. bunniesanchez

    my beautiful white silkie turned out to be a ROO =/

    So a few months ago i bought 2 silkies at my feed store. One white One brown. A couple of days ago the white one started crowing (is that the right word? lol) Nothing yet from the brown one. Hoping she is in fact a female. She is actually quite smaller then the white one. Do i need remove...
  8. bunniesanchez


    Hi im a new member. i am the proud mommy of 9 chickens (sadly one passed away today) and 2 ducks... i am obsessed with my chickens and love watching them play and eat... i cant for the life of me figure out why one of my girls died suddenly... can anyone offer up some possibilities? thank you!
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