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  1. BarneyNCyndi

    No poop and lethargic.

    Our girl is an astrolorp(sp) and was lethargic and sleeping when we came home from work. We brought her in the house fed her some eggs and made her drink some water with minerals. Now, I have not seen any poop but some pee. Her abdomen is feels soft like our other girls. We can’t get her to...
  2. BarneyNCyndi

    Molting... isn’t normal or is it?

    We have six girls and they are different ages. Our oldest is 4 1/2years old (Trouble); the name says it all and she is top hen. The next three (Lacey, Lucy &Lucky) are 2-1/2 and the next two (Betty & Beauty) are one. All are different breeds and all are molting except Trouble. No one has bad...
  3. BarneyNCyndi

    Molting for weeks is she sick? If so, what could it be?

    Hello, Our girl, Lacey is a 18mo old welsummer. Started molting abound a year old when we brought home two new chicks and she went broody. We bathed her cold water daily to break her broody behavior; good thing it was summer. Fast forward to September and i notice our boss hen (Barred Rock)...
  4. BarneyNCyndi

    Trouble is in Trouble

    Meet Trouble, she will be 4 years old this July. Last night, my husband & I heard a weird bark. We look at our dog and she gave us the "It's not me look." None of the 4 chickens pointed fingers but while doing the little things we do outside. My husband noticed that the sound came from...
  5. BarneyNCyndi

    Help! We don't know what's going on? Newbies need a clue

    Saturday, our Rhode Island Red was isolating herself from the other chickens and laying down a lot. So we isolated her from the others until we could figure out what's going on with her. her comb is down, she was laying on the ground a lot. So, we think she is sick. She weighs about 5# will...
  6. BarneyNCyndi

    Three freeloaders - Don't know what else to do. Can you help?

    Our three girls haven't been laying regular since January. They will be 2 years old in July. We haven't seen any real molting just a handful each. I did my May bathing of chicken behinds. I also checked vents and nothing. We have pulled the faux eggs for a few weeks and nothing. No signs...
  7. BarneyNCyndi

    Freeloaders are talking over leaving our RIR as our only producer.

    We have three hens who will be 2 years old in July. Started with six, two of each: RIR, Buff Orpington, and Barred Rock. We are down to one of each with only our RIR being our only producer. The other two are spending time in the nesting box. One sits on the faux egg. Today, I am going to...
  8. BarneyNCyndi

    I just don't know - puzzled about egg production.

    We have 5 beautiful girls. 2 buffs, 2 barred rock and one RIR. 1 RIR passed away months ago. Egg production has dropped from 5 to 4 last week to 3 thru the weekend to 1 today. Here are the changes. On mothers day, i gave each a bath- winter caked butt just isn't fashionable. I used...
  9. BarneyNCyndi

    Rain, rain won't go away.

    Hello, We live north of Seattle and we are in our rainy season. What can I do to prevent mold? For the past two weeks when I clean our coop I have found furry pooh. We move our coop every week and clean it every week. We put a layer of sawdust then straw on top. This week, we are just...
  10. BarneyNCyndi

    Distressed about a Lethargic chicken

    Our RIR – Goldie is lethargic. She is six months old and has usually been laying normally. For the past three days, she hasn’t layed an egg. She is usually kind of stand offish around the other girls but she wouldn’t get down off the roost this morning. We put her up on the roost last night...
  11. BarneyNCyndi

    Ugh, I was fear has happened. Small black spots on combs a waddles.

    We don't have the extreme cold out here north of Seattle but we have rain and cold. I had a heat lamp for the our girls in side their coop. We have six ladies, 2 RIRs, 2 buff Orpingtons and 2 barred rocks. They were born around the first 2 weeks of July this past year. We had lots of rain...
  12. BarneyNCyndi

    This isn't the magnificent seven but the confounding six.

    It is getting cold here below freezing but our girls prefer to roost in the Run? Our run is nice and covered with clear & tinted roofing! We even put a nice heat lamp to warm the coop to keep near 50degrees when it is freezing outside. Of course we added a thermometer to monitor the temp...
  13. BarneyNCyndi

    Is Goldy a loaner? Is this normal?

    Hello we are wet in Washington. That sounds funnier damp or soggy which both apply. Our winter season of gray has started. We are first-year newbies. We have a flock of 6 ladies and we are becoming more concerned about one of our Rhode Island Red (1 of 2) and she has always been a little...
  14. BarneyNCyndi

    What is normal? Is our chicken a loaner?

    Hello, We are first-year newbies. We have a flock of 6 ladies and we are becoming more concerned about one of our Rhode Island Red (1 of 2) and she has always been a little distant from the other group. We have 3 sets of 2's and the Reds are the oldest by 3 days.. She is about 20 weeks old...
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