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  1. ajamichelle

    Hawk Questions

    Hi! I'm new to chicken keeping and just had my first predator encounter. My run is predator-proof when it comes to terrestrial predators (raccoons, coyotes, dogs, etc.) and I have great tree cover. But I awoke this passed week to my chickens making loud alarm clucks. At first, I didn't...
  2. ajamichelle

    Hen's Eggs Are Different Colors?

    Hello, I'm new to chickens and the forum! I have recently acquired two adult hens from an acquaintance. They were henpecked by their previous flock, but are settling in perfectly with mine. One is missing most of her feathers, but they're coming back in nicely. I think she's an Easter...
  3. ajamichelle

    Missing Feathers, Possible to Identify Breed?

    Hi everyone! I'm new here and am also new to keeping chickens. This is my first flock. I started with five chicks acquired in May of this year (2014) and have recently acquired two adult hens who are already laying (Aug 2014). These ladies were living with three other hens in an area I...
  4. ajamichelle

    Hello from NM!

    Hello! My name is Aja and I have seven chickens. I'm completely new to backyard chicken-keeping, having started in May upon graduating from college. I have a degree in biology and my focus is in herpetology (reptiles and amphibians) and I love backpacking and camping. I'm pretty positive...
  5. ajamichelle

    What's Up with These Rings on this Egg?

    Hello Everyone! Wonderful forum! The hen who laid this egg was one of two recently acquired from a situation wherein they were badly henpecked. This is one of several eggs missing some shell coloration. Can someone please offer insight into the cause? Or is this normal? It's very likely...
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