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  • Users: 11mini
  • Content: Threads
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  1. 11mini

    My duck drowned?

    Got home yesterday to find one of my two female Khakis doing the backstroke in the pond (40 gal stock tank). She was 1.5 years and healthy other than soft shelled eggs. No signs of attack, the other duck and three chickens are unharmed. The pond is secured inside the run. I think they got too...
  2. 11mini

    Waterer for ducks

    So I have this unit Which is not working out for me because the dirty water around the ring leaches back up into the main tank. I dump out the outside and dirty stinky water refills the ring. Would these hold enough water for the ducks to drink out of? I use vertical nipples in 5 gallon...
  3. 11mini

    Keeping Ducks with Chickens

    I have been keeping backyard chickens for 6 or so years now and currently have 3 very spoiled 1 year old hens in an enclosed run big enough for 10 (7'x15'). Wanting a new challenge I'm thinking instead of more chicks why not a few ducklings instead? Are there breeds better suited to chicken coop...
  4. 11mini

    Time to cull? Cocci

    I don't think my 1.5 yr old GSL is going to recover from coccidiosis. I have three birds one has had watery diaharrea for months. Tried several meds, safeguard, tylan, oxysomething, none helped. Found a vet to see her did fecal float very high in cocci. Did two week Corid severe outbreak...
  5. 11mini

    Stinky ground

    Last year was my first year with chickens. I quickly learned I had the coop in the wrong location and it soon became a stinky wet mess. The smell was awful, rotting chicken crap, water, mud and shavings . The coop has been moved to the correct high and dry location and has a well covered run...
  6. 11mini

    Planning for next season - Have some questions

    Hi all - I have 3 layer hens I got this year I am thinking about trying a run or two of meat birds next year, maybe 10-15 each time. I would be setting up chicken tractors and have some questions about size - I am looking for something that does not need to be moved every day. Once a week would...
  7. 11mini

    **Gross poop pic** What's wrong with her?

    My GC has had this diarrhea for too long now she is starting to lose weight. She stopped laying a few weeks ago when the weather changed. I treated all three of my birds with safeguard between .5 and 1ml per day for 4 days. Started them all on durvet perf poultry all of this week but now she is...
  8. 11mini

    Enormous crop/Feathers not regrowing.

    So, based on information gathered here, this is what I have observed/done so far. I used to think Lucy was just a pig, but clearly there is something wrong. She eats and her crop blows up like a balloon. I tubed water into her and massaged the crop last night. Tried to vomit her but mostly water...
  9. 11mini

    Mini Egg

    Second time in one week I have found a tiny egg in the nest box. Shell looks normal but is 1/4 size. As far as I know my GSL is the only one laying yet, she has been averaging 6 eggs/week for the last two months. They are normally large brown eggs. Then last week I found one small egg, I...
  10. 11mini

    Help ID my flock

    I bought these "layer hens" from the co-op, which is the closest thing to a chicken breeder around this area. I have had these three hens(?) for one month now: Lucy, my BO started laying one week after I got her. She laid one small egg on Sunday then no egg Monday, but has laid an egg every day...
  11. 11mini

    First flock

    I'm Dave from Lake Stevens WA. First time chicken raiser, got the bug when my parents neighbor moved and gave my Brother their two hens. Built a coop and run, have had my 3 hens (I think, breed and sex post forthcoming) for 1 month now and it seems to be going well. Only have one laying but has...
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