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  1. collingwood

    What tricks did you do this April Fools?

    Hi what did you do this April fools? I did the old trick of swapping the sugar for salt and the salt for sugar and pepper for brown sugar etc!
  2. collingwood

    My chicken is limping and finds it hard to walk!

    She can't scratch and finds it hard to eat because by the time she's reached the food the others have finished and have walked ages away and she can't find them because their paddock is full of trees and plants and she gets lost!
  3. collingwood

    I'm unsure on what to do now...

    I've been excited about my broody ducks! But my drake does not seem to be fertile... So I put chicken eggs under one egg hatched but died my chicks have died so many times now I've given up... I always thought I'de be a successful chicken breeder but every time I've tried something goes wrong...
  4. collingwood

    Why do I keep on failing to keep baby chicks?

    Hi I've tried everithing! The first two chicks I bought and I put them under the care of my broody duck! Both were killed by my dog... So the second time I locked them up so the dog couldn't get in! My plan was foolproof but my duck took it for a swim... The third time was a baby duckling! It...
  5. collingwood

    Are Isa Browns prone to disease?

    Hi a person I know said that Isa Browns lay well but get diseases easily is that true?
  6. collingwood

    Should I get geese?

    I would like to know whether I should get geese! Do they lay well? Do they eat much? Are they messy?
  7. collingwood

    Are incubaters worth it?

    The title explains it all!
  8. collingwood

    Weird solid thing in egg!

    I saw the strangest thing in my egg! It was kind of like cooked chicken meat almost! I'll try to post a pic but I can't just yet!
  9. collingwood

    My duck has had a baby chicken!

    I have a broody duck that has been broody for a while now and has been sitting on four duck eggs and two chicken eggs and one of the chicken eggs hatched!
  10. collingwood

    Can I get my chickens to hang around in a better place?

    My chickens are all hanging around were I am because sometimes I give them mealworms but I would like them to be in a better spot where they can scratch around and eat more things! Any ideas?
  11. collingwood

    All my ducks are broody and my drake is lonely!

    Hi! All six of my ducks are broody! I can't believe it! But now my drake is sitting outside and not doing anything! He is very lonely and won't do anything! He still drinks and eats!
  12. collingwood

    Collingwood's amazingly amazing chat thread!

    Welcome to my amazingly amazing chat thread! Rules... 1. What I say goes 2. If you disagree with a member sort it out with PMs 3. All BYC rules apply 4. Have fun!
  13. collingwood

    Ants found mealworm farm... Murderous disaster...

    Hi! My ants found my mealworm farm and killed over half my worms!!!!! What should I do? I've moved my mealworm farm somewhere else but it's in a really inconvenient spot! And the ants'll probably find them there too!
  14. collingwood

    How many dried mealworms should I buy?

    Hi! I have three chickens and a rooster and seven ducks and a drake! On the website I'm buying my mealworms from I have a choice of 2500 Dried mealworms 12500 Dried mealworms 25000 Dried mealworms 250000 Dried mealworms Which one should I get?
  15. collingwood

    What would happen with a fertile double yolker?

    My chicken has been laying double yolkers and I was wondering what'd happen if I put them under my broody?
  16. collingwood

    Should I have broken up my rooster and drake fight?

    Hi my rooster and drake are fighting for the second time now! The rooster is the one causing all the trouble the drake has won the fight both times by using his weight on top of the rooster and pulling his feathers out! I filmed him doing so instead of breaking it up because I figured if they...
  17. collingwood

    Rooster collars? Which brand? Do they work?

    Hi I've been boxing my rooster up every night and he's starting to get a bit of a sore back so I was wondering about rooster collars?
  18. collingwood

    Ideas on how to keep my chickens cool and hydrated this really hot Australian summer?

    Please help it's really! Really! Hot at the moment! And I need ideas how to keep my chickens cool! I've been spraying the ground and putting shade cloth up but I need help most of my chickens that have died have died from heat!
  19. collingwood

    There are really small insects on my chickens head!

    Hi everyone I have a chicken and I had a look at it and it has really super small insects on its head! Are they Mites?
  20. collingwood

    My duckling died in it's shell!

    Hi everyone! I have four broody ducks and they are all sitting on eggs but these eggs were beginning to get old so I decided to candle them! Before I could do so a duckling hatched and it's live and healthy at the moment! But there is one problem all the other eggs are now really old and haven't...
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