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  1. guinea fowl galore

    Currently having the worst hatch ever. A lot of wisdom and advice needed.

    Ok, well the eggs I am hatching are Australorps (as always) and are now on day 22. During candling most of them looked great but a couple didn't seem to be developing at the same rate which I thought was weird seeing as they were in a fan forced Hovabator incubator, shouldn't be any hot and/or...
  2. guinea fowl galore

    Please vote for my dog!!! Only 3 days left.

    Hello everyone :frow I have entered my little Maltese, Lillie, into this competition and I would really appreciate it if you could take a minute to vote for him. Here is the link: He is 21 pictures down on the far right...
  3. guinea fowl galore

    Excitedly awaiting puppies arrivals. BOTH ARE HERE!!!! *PICS*

    I tell you, I've jumped in the deep end here. We first started thinking about getting more dogs a few months back, we needed a little non shedding house dog for the kids and after the recent break-ins in the neighbourhood decided we also need a bigger still non shedding outside dog to guard the...
  4. guinea fowl galore

    Is this normal for a Hova-Bator or is mine broken?

    I have had my Hova-bator running for about a week now and not once has it gotten to 37.5. The first three days I could not get it below 39 degrees. I had the wafer thing twisted down as far as it could. And now it wont go above 35. I keep turning/twisting it up until the light turns on, leave it...
  5. guinea fowl galore

    Guinea keet with swollen gunky eye. Need help fast.

    Sorry for the need help fast bit but the local vert is closing in 40 mins for the weekend. Here are some pics. Any ideas of what to give it medication wise? The vet nurses say they need to see it but I'm a bit apprehensive about spending $50 on a consultation for a $7 guinea fowl. Thought?
  6. guinea fowl galore

    Anybody else find this wrong?

    What a messed up world we have. Why are kids these days forced to grow up so fast
  7. guinea fowl galore

    Is this normal for a fan forced bator?

    First off, let me say that i'm used to still air incubators. I've got my new Hova-bator running, getting ready to test out. I have a very accurate thermometer in there. The thermometer is reading 39-40 degrees Celsius (102-104) but when I open the lid and quickly put my hand in the air feels...
  8. guinea fowl galore

    Help me discover new shoe brands.

    I'm a shoe fanatic And I'm in search for some more, So I've decided to look a little further and harder this time. I'm trying to look at brands and shops in other countries but am having trouble. Can anyone recommend anything? Here are the types/styles of shoes I either have or like. This...
  9. guinea fowl galore

    My business flops when it comes to incubating and hatching.

    I've got my business set up so I hatch chicks on request. So far this is not working. (*PROOF: I just had a guinea keet die while writing this. The guy asked for eight, now I've got two with one egg piped that may or may not hatch. I feel like a criminal*). I originally (and still do) did the...
  10. guinea fowl galore

    It's Christmas morning...

    Santa has been, all the kids woke up at 4am and preceded to run around the house waking everyone else up. Presents have been unwrapped, the kids are playing, a breakfast feast is being cooked and i'm sitting curled up on the couch wrapped in a blanket. Ahhh. MERRY CHRISTMAS
  11. guinea fowl galore

    Sending good thoughts to Molly Meldrum

    This is taken from the website The music industry legend, 65, fell about three metres at his home late yesterday afternoon while putting up decorations for his...
  12. guinea fowl galore

    Splash Australorps

    Has anybody got any? Pictures would be great
  13. guinea fowl galore

    Any optometrists on here?

    I had an eye test yesterday and was told that I have high pressure. And apparently this causes glaucoma. I'M TOO YOUNG TO GO BLIND. Anyway, the optometrist said she'll do more tests, Made a booking for friday. I'm just wondering what kind of tests have to be done. Do they ned to stick sharp...
  14. guinea fowl galore

    LIFE OF A SHOW CHICKEN. What's involved?

    This is a thread where you share how you feed, house, groom and train your show chickens. I have hatched out some future showing chickens. Obviously I don't know if they are show quality yet, but i'm wanting to know the proper way to bring up a show chicken. And a bit of information on show...
  15. guinea fowl galore

    Can you give a chick cocci meds if it doesn't have it?

    I have a previous post about a chick that I thought had coccidiosis. So I've got the medication today ( baycox). The chick goes up and down. Looks really sick, then fine. So I'm wondering if the medication will hurt the chicks if they don't actually have coccidiosis?
  16. guinea fowl galore

    How long can a chick with cocci go untreated for?

    I was out for most of the day today. Got home at about 6pm and the chicks seemed fine. A few hours later (9-10pm) I went to clean their box and noticed a tiny bit of blood on a paper towel, then a sick looking chick. I don't know for sure if it is coccidiosis but thought it was a high...
  17. guinea fowl galore

    Is this splayed leg?

    I have a chick that has its left leg that stick out to one side. It had curled toes so i've put bandaids on its feet. Could this maybe be causing it? It is being brooded on newspaper with shelf liner on top. So is this something that it will get over or is it splayed leg?
  18. guinea fowl galore

    I took a bad egg out on lockdown. Cracked it open & it is ALIVE.*PICS*

    I candled last night on lockdown one of the eggs was DEFINITELY bad. Half the size of the others and with red splodges. so I put it aside and took it out early this morning. It's 1:30 pm now and I decided to crack open two of the bad eggs. One that died early on and this one. So I crack the...
  19. guinea fowl galore

    My newest brooder/broody coop/ Boys boxes

    Well I've needed a new brooder/broody coop as well as some boy boxes. I have two wardrobe shelve things that got ripped out during house renovations. So I decided to put them to use. I'm not finished it yet, Theres still a door to put on one of the boy boxes. That should be done today so I'll...
  20. guinea fowl galore

    Are these the early signs of an egg bound hen?

    She was in the nesting box last night. I thought nothing of it, sometimes my hens just decide to sleep in the nesting box. But then late this morning she went in there again and has been in there all day. She's not straining, just standing there with her wings out and panting. Are these early...
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